
Welcome to Sestu: a brief summary of the municipality's history

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about the municipality of Sestu, a charming town in the region of Sardinia, Italy. The history of this municipality dates back to the Bronze Age, when the territory was inhabited for the first time. In the 3rd century BC, the town saw the arrival of the Carthaginians, who left few traces of their presence. During the Roman period, Sestu was located along the road that connected Cagliari to Porto Torres and was named "Sexto ab urbe lapide", meaning "at the sixth milestone". In the Middle Ages, the town became part of the Giudicato of Cagliari and later was included in the Curatoria del Campidano. In 1257, Sestu became part of the possessions of the Municipality of Pisa and subsequently came under the control of the Aragonese. In 1840, the municipality finally became independent. Today, Sestu has a population of about 20,000 inhabitants and is a center in full evolution.

The symbols of Sestu

Sestu: history, symbols and society of the Sardinian city.

The coat of arms of Sestu depicts a column of silver on a base with the Roman numeral VI around whose shaft a vine plant curls holding three clusters of purple grapes. The whole is placed on a field of green with a plow of gold and a plowshare of silver. The flag of Sestu is a silver cloth. The symbols of the municipality are very significant and represent the history and traditions of the town.

The society of Sestu

Demographic evolution

The population of Sestu is constantly growing, with about 20,000 inhabitants at the moment. The town is located in an area in constant evolution, with new residential, industrial and commercial settlements.

Ethnic groups and foreign minorities

Some foreign minorities are part of the community of Sestu, with a foreign population equal to 2% of the total population. The main nationalities are China, Romania, and Ukraine.

Languages and dialects

The prevailing dialect in Sestu is Campidanese, a variant of the Sardinian language. In conclusion, Sestu is a town with a very interesting history and culture and is experiencing a phase of growth and development. If you happen to be in Sardinia, do not miss the opportunity to visit this charming town!

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Thursday, Oct 20, 2022