
The Castle of Sestola: a historical gem in the heart of the Modena province

The Castle of Sestola is one of the most important historical monuments in the Modena province. Built on a rocky spur in the village of Sestola, the castle played a fundamental role in controlling the valleys of Scoltenna and Leo in the Frignano territory. Today, the fortress is an architectural gem that attracts visitors from all over the world, thanks to its architecture, history, and museum collections.

The position of the Castle of Sestola

The Castle of Sestola is located in a strategic position on the Apennine ridge, which allowed for the control of the surrounding valleys and access to the southern part of Frignano. This position made it a fundamental observation and defense point against foreign invasions that often struck the area. The old part of the village is located next to the castle, and the inhabitants of the village have never separated from their history.

The Castle of Sestola: history, museums and charm of Frignano.

The history of the Castle of Sestola

The Castle of Sestola, as we know it today, was rebuilt in the sixteenth century, but its origins are much older. The first historical document mentioning the castle is the Astolfo Diploma of 753 AD, in which the Lombard king donated the "Castrum Sextulae" (the present-day Sestola) and the adjacent territories to the Abbey of Nonantola, founded at the time by Anselmo di Nonantola. Over the centuries, the castle underwent numerous sieges and attacks, becoming the seat of the governor of Frignano from 1337 to the Estense era. During the nineteenth century, the castle was used as a penitentiary, an activity that ceased only in 1866. In the twentieth century, the castle hosted a meteorological observatory and a summer institute for the care of children.

Museums in the Castle of Sestola

Today, the Castle of Sestola houses several museums and collections, curated by the Cultural Association E'Scamàdul in collaboration with the Municipality of Sestola. Among the most interesting museums is the Museum of mechanical musical instruments, which preserves various collections of tapes, gramophones, records, and jukeboxes. The Mountain Civilization Museum, instead, tells the story of life in the mountains of Frignano, with particular attention to traditions, customs, and costumes of the area. In addition to the permanent museums, the Castle of Sestola hosts temporary exhibitions that vary throughout the year.

References and External Links

Those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the Castle of Sestola and its history can consult the bibliography available on the website of the Province of Modena or visit the Cultural Association E'Scamàdul. The website of the Province of Modena is also accompanied by a list of castles in the province and an entire section dedicated to museums in the area.

The Castle of Sestola is a place of great charm and historical-cultural importance that deserves to be visited carefully. Thanks to its strategic position, museum exhibitions, and numerous activities organized by the cultural association, the Castle of Sestola is an unmissable tourist destination for lovers of history and art.

Martina Caruso
Updated Tuesday, Jan 24, 2023