Sesto ed Uniti

Sesto ed Uniti: a welcoming agricultural town in the province of Cremona

Welcome to Sesto ed Uniti, a cozy municipality of about 3,000 inhabitants located in the province of Cremona, in Lombardy. Sesto ed Uniti takes its name from its Roman origin, when the settlement was located six miles away from Cremona, as part of the Strada Regina that connected the river port of Cremona to Chiavenna, passing through Milan. Today, Sesto ed Uniti is mainly an agricultural town, with some small but fascinating hamlets, including the most populous, Casanova del Morbasco.

Physical geography: a strategic location west of Cremona

Sesto ed Uniti is located west of the city of Cremona, sharing the border with its territory. It is a scattered municipality, with the most populous settlement in Sesto Cremonese, which is about ten kilometers away from the center of Cremona, or six Cremonese miles, from which the name of the town derives. The other two hamlets, Cortetano and Luignano, are located north of the State Road 415 Paullese, which divides the municipality in two, and are primarily made up of ancient farms.

Sesto ed Uniti: Agricultural municipality in the province of Cremona.

History: an ancient municipality

The area of Sesto has been inhabited since Roman times due to its strategic position on the Strada Regina. In the Napoleonic era, the municipality of Sesto joined with Bredalunga and later, in 1867, with the neighboring municipalities of Canova del Morbasco, Cortetano and Luignano, taking the official name of Sesto ed Uniti. Today, the municipality is characterized by small villages and a predominantly agricultural landscape.

Society: a growing municipality

The demographic evolution of Sesto ed Uniti has been constantly growing in recent years, demonstrating the municipality's attractiveness for families and young people. The community is welcoming and collaborative, with a relaxing and chaotic atmosphere.

Anthropical geography: a scattered municipality with small hamlets

The municipality of Sesto ed Uniti includes the main town in Sesto Cremonese and three geographical hamlets, including the largest one, Casanova del Morbasco, which is located along the old municipal road leading to Cremona. The other hamlets, Cortetano and Luignano, are primarily made up of ancient farms in the rural area.

Administration: a municipality committed to managing local development

The municipality of Sesto ed Uniti is committed to managing local development through the adoption of targeted local policies, aimed at promoting the economy, culture, and environment. Local politics are oriented towards citizen participation and transparency, with the goal of building a united and supportive community.

Infrastructure and transportation: a privileged location along the Strada Regina

The municipality of Sesto ed Uniti is located along the Strada Regina, an important communication route that connects Cremona to Chiavenna. The municipal territory is crossed by the state roads, State Road 415 Paullese and State Road 234 Codognese, which connect it to other cities in the province of Cremona. In the past, Sesto Cremonese was also served by the Cremona-Iseo railway, now suppressed.


Sesto ed Uniti is a welcoming and peaceful municipality located in the province of Cremona, in Lombardy. The territory is mainly agricultural, with small hamlets characterized by ancient farms and villages. Local politics are oriented towards citizen participation and transparency, with the goal of building a united and prosperous community. The strategic location of Sesto ed Uniti along the Strada Regina, as well as its proximity to the city of Cremona, make this municipality an ideal place to live and work.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Jul 30, 2022