Sesto al Reghena

Discovering Sesto al Réghena: a treasure in Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Sesto al Réghena, also known as ''Siest'' in Friulian language, is an Italian municipality located in the low Veneto-Friuli plain, bordering the Province of Venice. With its 6,289 inhabitants, Sesto al Réghena is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Sixth at Réghena: Treasures of Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Physical geography


Sesto al Réghena covers an area of 40.53 km², ranging from a minimum altitude of 9 meters above sea level to a maximum of 25 meters above sea level. The municipality borders to the north with Chions and San Vito al Tagliamento, to the west with Chions and Cinto Caomaggiore, to the east with Morsano al Tagliamento and Cordovado, and to the south with Gruaro. The municipality belongs to zone 3 (low seismicity).


The climate in Sesto al Réghena is continental, with cold winters and hot summers. Precipitation is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year.


The history of Sesto al Réghena dates back to medieval times. In 1182, the Ezzelini family contested the ownership of properties with the monks of the monastery of Sesto al Réghena. In 1198, Pope Innocent III instructed the Patriarch of Aquileia to mediate and resolve the dispute between the two parties. Sesto al Réghena was one of the locations affected by the numerous properties that involved various members of the Ezzelini family; properties which were painstakingly verified, documented and recorded after their final defeat in 1260.

Monuments and places of interest

Religious architecture

There are numerous religious architectures in Sesto al Réghena. Among them, the Abbey of Santa Maria in Silvis stands out. Founded between 730-735, the abbey belonged to the Benedictines from 762. The abbey church took shape between the 12th and 13th centuries, to be substantially rearranged in the 15th century; in the 20th century it underwent a series of restorations. The vestibule is completely frescoed with the ''cycle of Hell'', the ''cycle of Paradise'' and the ''cycle of St. Michael'', works dating back to around 1450 and attributed to the workshop of Antonio da Firenze.

Among the other churches, we find the parish church of Bagnarola, dedicated to All Saints, built at the end of the 19th century, and the church of San Pietro.

Civil architecture

Among the civil architectures present in Sesto al Réghena, there are three Venetian villas. Villa Attimis-Freschi-Piccolomini, privately owned and not open to visitors, is located in the hamlet of Ramuscello and is a scenographic manor complex from the 17th century. Villa Zanardini-Fabris-Fancello and Villa Braida are also of notable historical and artistic interest.

The Fountain of Venchieredo

One of the symbols of Sesto al Réghena is the Fountain of Venchieredo. This is one of the most important places for the history of literature in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The writer Ippolito Nievo set some pages of his most famous book, ''Confessions of an Italian'', in this countryside landscape.


Among the places of interest present in Sesto al Réghena, we also find the votive chapel of San Antonio di Padova, located within a private property in the locality of Banduzzo, which belonged to the Abbey of Santa Maria in Silvis.


Visit Sesto al Réghena for an unforgettable experience! Simple and welcoming, it offers numerous historical and artistic treasures, idyllic rural scenes, and plenty of tranquility.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Wednesday, May 18, 2022