
Sessame: a charming town in Piedmont

Sessame is an Italian town located in the province of Asti, in the Piedmont region. With a population of only 251 inhabitants, Sessame is a small village that offers an authentic experience of Italian life. The town is surrounded by mountains and offers a spectacular scenery for tourism.

Physical Geography

On the north-western side of the town center of Sessame, there is a small hill that houses the remains of the castle of the Marchesi Del Carretto. It is a place where visitors can enjoy a stunning panoramic view of the village and the valley below.

Sesame: a small picturesque village in Piedmont.


The settlement of Sessame has existed for a long time, and was probably founded before the Roman conquest. The name "Sessame" has several origins, one of which is related to the six Roman miles that separated the village from Acqui Terme. Historians have also suggested that the town was named after the six streams that flow in the area or the sixty miles that separated it from Turin.


The coat of arms of the town of Sessame was granted, together with the municipal banner, in 1954 by the President of the Republic. The symbol shows a castle in reference to the medieval origins of the village, and a red and white shield, which are the colors of the local noble families.

Monuments and Places of Interest

The cultural heritage of Sessame is very rich. The town boasts several religious architectures that are testimony to the history of the village.

Religious Architecture

The Church of San Giorgio Martire is the main church of the village and stands in a panoramic position in the heart of the city. This baroque building has been rebuilt several times, the last in 1959. In addition to the main altar, an important attraction inside the church is the statue of Saint George slaying the dragon.

The Oratory of the Confraternity of the Annunciation, next to the Church of San Giorgio, was built in 1600. It is now owned by the municipality and is used as a venue for cultural events.

The countryside Church of San Rocco, located in the locality of San Rocco in a panoramic position on the Val Bormida, was renovated in 2004 and is well preserved.

The countryside Church of San Sebastiano, located near the provincial road to Rocchetta Palafea, is very popular with pilgrims and travelers. Visitors can enjoy a splendid panorama of the surrounding hills from it.

Other Places

In the part of the town located in the valley floor, there is an area designated as a heronry due to the presence of the Grey Heron. Visiting it represents a great opportunity for nature lovers.


The town of Sessame is a hidden gem among the Piedmont hills. Its historic architectures, surrounding hills, unique atmosphere, and the hospitality of the local people make this town the ideal place for those seeking an authentic and picturesque experience in Italy.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, Mar 27, 2022