Serravalle Pistoiese

Serravalle Pistoiese: a dive into history and nature

If you are looking for a place rich in history and nature in Tuscany, then you absolutely must visit the municipality of Serravalle Pistoiese. Located in the province of Pistoia, it represents a border point between the plain of Florence-Prato-Pistoia and the Valdinievole. The municipality is characterized by hilly areas that host medieval villages, such as Castellina, Serravalle, and Vinacciano, and extend into the flat area to the south where the hamlets of Cantagrillo, Casalguidi, and Ponte Stella are located.

Discovering history

The history of Serravalle Pistoiese dates back to the 12th century when the Municipality of Pistoia fortified the castle with towers and walls. During this period, the castle experienced a moment of great development and, due to its strategic position, played a significant role in the disputes between the White and Black Guelphs that characterized the Tuscan history of those years. In the 14th century, Serravalle was besieged and taken by the Lucchesi, then conquered by the Ghibelline condottiero Castruccio Castracani. In 1351, the castle passed under the Florentine dominion and became the seat of the podesteria under Cosimo I de' Medici. In 1866, Serravalle Pistoiese became a municipality of the Kingdom of Italy.

Serravalle Pistoiese: history and nature in Tuscany

Places of interest

Serravalle Pistoiese is a place rich in monuments and places of interest. Among the religious buildings, the Church of Santo Stefano in Serravalle Pistoiese and the Church of San Michele Arcangelo in Serravalle stand out. But there are also the Oratory of Saints Rocco and Sebastiano in Serravalle Pistoiese (or of the Assumption Company), the Church of San Pietro in Casalguidi, the Church of Saints Filippo and Giacomo in Castellina, the Church of Saints Lucia and Marcello in Vinacciano. Not to mention the Chapel of San Francesco di Paola in Cantagrillo and the Oratory of San Giustino in Castelnuovo.

Among the civil buildings, there are Villa Gargani in Cantagrillo, Villa di Fontana in Collina, Villa Montegattoli in Vinacciano, and Villa De' Rossi in Castelnuovo.

There are also testimonies of the military past, such as the Lombard Tower and the New Fortress.

The social fabric of the municipality

Serravalle Pistoiese has 11,707 inhabitants and boasts a community of people from different parts of the world, as shown by ISTAT data as of December 31, 2015, the resident foreign population of which was 835 people.


In summary, Serravalle Pistoiese is a municipality that encapsulates history, nature, and culture. It is the ideal place for those seeking a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, for those who want to take a dive into the past, and for those who want to enjoy the beauty of Tuscan nature. Do not miss the opportunity to visit it!

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Saturday, Dec 3, 2022