Serra Pedace

Let's discover the history of Serra Pedace together!

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Serra Pedace, a beautiful location in Casali del Manco located in the province of Cosenza, in Calabria. Serra Pedace was an autonomous municipality until May 5, 2017, when it merged into the new municipality of Casali del Manco along with the fractions of Lorica (San Giovanni in Fiore), Righìo, San Nicola Silano, and Silvana Mansio.

But let's go in order and discover its fascinating history together...

The birth of a small village

The history of Serra Pedace begins towards the early years of the tenth century, when Arab incursions caused turmoil in the city of Cosenza. Like many other towns in the area, Serra Pedace also began to grow. The village is located where the current historic center is, in the lowest and hidden part, on the sides of the Cardone river, precisely to avoid being seen from the valley. It lived on farming and agriculture until the mid-1960s.

Serra Pedace: history and fusion in the municipality of Casali del Manco.

A new beginning with the merger of municipalities

On March 26, 2017, the citizens of Serra Pedace, along with those of the neighboring municipalities of Casole Bruzio, Pedace, Trenta, and Spezzano Piccolo, decided by referendum to merge the previous municipalities into the new municipality of Casali del Manco.

Changes in society

Over the years, the population of Serra Pedace has significantly increased, from about 978 inhabitants of the autonomous municipality in 2017 to the current approximately 1263 inhabitants. A change that has brought new opportunities for growth and development for the community.

The administration of Serra Pedace

Before merging with the municipality of Casali del Manco, the mayor of Serra Pedace was Giuseppe Raco, together with the four majority councilors and the five opposition councilors.


Serra Pedace is a charming location where history and tradition merge with modernity and innovation. The merger with the new municipality of Casali del Manco has brought new opportunities for growth and development for the entire community, which continues to enjoy the beauties of this splendid part of Calabria.

I hope that this brief summary has been useful to learn more about the history of Serra Pedace. See you next time!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Tuesday, Oct 4, 2022