Santa Croce

Santa Croce: a hamlet full of history, legends and monuments


Hi friends! Today I'm talking about Santa Croce, a hamlet of the municipality of Sermide e Felonica, in the province of Mantua.


The history of Santa Croce is shrouded in uncertainty, but it is thought that the first human settlements date back to the 16th-12th centuries BC during the Roman era. At that time, the Santa Croce area, a lagoon territory near the Lagurano watercourse, was reclaimed to allow the village to develop.

Santa Croce: history, legends and monuments between Mantua and the Po river.


The main activities practiced in the territory of Santa Croce were agriculture, livestock breeding and some crafts activities. Thanks to its geographical location close to important communication routes such as the Po River and the roads that connected it to the cities of Verona, Mantua and Modena, Santa Croce developed a thriving commercial exchange activity.

Origin of the name

The name Santa Croce derives from the miracle of the cross that took place in the area where the hamlet is located today. According to legend, a blind man went to Jerusalem and made a vow to regain his sight. A Saint appeared to him and gave him a cross, ordering him to take it to the Lagurano, where he would regain his sight. Once he arrived at his destination, the blind man tied the cross to a willow branch to keep it upright. The willow turned green, grew and developed, taking on the shape of a cross. From that moment on, the inhabitants visit the place of the cross to be miraculously healed of diseases and infirmities.

Monuments and points of interest

One of the main monuments of Santa Croce is the Church of Santa Croce, built in 1074 on the order of Matilda of Canossa. The structure, built in Romanesque-Matildic style, is about 14 meters long, 6 meters wide and 7 meters high. On the high altar, there is a bas-relief composed of 9 figures, about 1 meter tall, depicting the deposition of the Cross. During the fifteenth century, the church was enlarged and decorated with frescoes. Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga finally consecrated it in 1479.


Unfortunately, the Santa Croce tournament and the amateur football team that played at Santa Croce Sports Field no longer exist, but the field is open to the public.


Santa Croce is a charming hamlet, rich in history, legends and monuments. Anyone who has the opportunity to visit this place will surely be enveloped by its mysterious and ancient charm. Thanks for reading!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022