Seren del Grappa

ciaoSeren del Grappa: history, geography and administration!

Hello everyone! Today, I'll talk to you about Seren del Grappa, a Venetian municipality located in the province of Belluno. Its original name was simply Seren, but in 1923 "del Grappa" was added to the name in memory of the suffering endured during World War I. In this article, I'll tell you a bit of history, talk about the geography and administration of the city.

Physical geography

Seren del Grappa, locally known as Sarén, has a population of about 2,336 inhabitants. The city is strategically located on the coastline between the Brenta and Piave rivers. The territory is mainly hilly and mountainous, with a minimum altitude of 57 meters and a maximum of 1775 meters. Regarding the climate, the town has a cool temperate climate with lower temperatures than the plain.

Seren del Grappa: history, geography, and administration of the Veneto municipality.


As I mentioned, Seren del Grappa has an interesting and rich history full of important events. During World War I, it was the scene of violent clashes between the Italian and Austrian armies. The front was located on Mount Grappa, which was the last stronghold defending the Venetian plain. The population showed courage and resistance, and for this reason, after the end of the war, "del Grappa" was added to the original name. Even during World War II, Seren del Grappa was involved in the fighting and its population suffered damages and hardships, worthy of a military valor award in the partisan struggle.


Seren del Grappa has a population of about 2,336 people distributed in a hilly and mountainous territory. This type of terrain favors the development of outdoor activities such as hiking and sports in nature.


The administration of the municipality of Seren del Grappa is composed of a mayor elected by the people who leads the municipal council. The city is also a member of the province of Belluno and belongs to the Grappa Mountain Union.


If you want to learn more about the history of Seren del Grappa, I suggest visiting the Great War Museum on Mount Grappa. There, you can see objects and exhibits that will immerse you completely in the atmosphere of the dark years of the war.

Other projects

Seren del Grappa is of great cultural and tourist interest, so it appears on the main tourist platforms in Italian cities. For example, on Tripadvisor, you can find many possibilities for exploring the territory.

External links

If you want to learn more about Seren del Grappa, you can visit the official website of the municipality. There, you'll find information on festivals, events, and tourist activities in the area. I hope this overview has been helpful! Thanks for reading!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Saturday, Feb 4, 2023