Senorbì: The town of Trexenta
Hi everyone! Today, I will talk about a small town located in the South of Sardinia, called Senorbì, or as it is called in Sardinian language, Senobrì. With a population of 4,839 inhabitants, Senorbì is the main center of the Trexenta area and is located about 40 km north of Cagliari. The town is divided into two hamlets, Arixi and Sisini, and offers visitors numerous natural and historical attractions.
Physical geography
The territory of Senorbì is characterized by the presence of two watercourses, the Rio Santu Teru and the Rio Cardaxius, which join near the bridge on the State road 547 of Guasila.

The history of Senorbì dates back to prehistory, with the presence of ancient proto-historic civilizations such as those of the Cyclades islands, as evidenced by the discovery of the famous "Mater Mediterranea", a Cycladic idol from the third millennium BC that represents the mother goddess. During the Nuragic era, the territory was continuously inhabited, although today only three nuraghi remain visible, in Sisini, on the small hill of Simieri, and on Mount Uda. An important Nuragic archaeological find is the Miles Cornutus preserved in the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari. The first written documents in which the name of Senorbì appears date back to the twelfth century, while during the Middle Ages, Senorbì belonged to the Judge of Cagliari and the curatorship of Trexenta.
Senorbì throughout the centuries
After the fall of the Judge of Cagliari in 1258, the territory passed briefly to the Judge of Arborea, and then to the Republic of Pisa in 1295, as a fief to the Visconti of Pisa. In 1324, the town passed to the Aragonese along with the centers of the former curatorship of Trexenta and Gippi. In 1326, Senorbì was left as a fief to the Tuscan commune that continued to administer it until at least 1365. With the transition under Catalan-Aragonese control, Senorbì experienced the war between the Judge of Arborea and the Kingdom of Aragon until 1409, when the Judge of Arborea was definitively defeated in the Battle of Sanluri. In 1421, the village was given in administration to Giacomo de Besora, who in 1434 obtained the feudal concession. In 1497, the town was united with the county of Villasor, a fief of Giacomo de Alagón, and in 1594 the county was transformed into a marquisate. In 1681, the town was severely hit by the plague, which decimated the population.
Finally, Senorbì was the protagonist of an important event in 1939: the feast of the Redeemer. The town, in gratitude for the end of a malaria epidemic, held a large popular festival, which is still repeated every year, involving both citizens and tourists who decide to visit the town.
Senorbì represents the history and tradition of Sardinia, with its ancient archaeological finds and medieval past. A town that offers visitors the natural beauty of Trexenta and the friendliness of the local people. Come and visit Senorbì and let yourself be enchanted by its millennial charm.