
Discovering the meaning of the name Seneghe

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about a beautiful location in Sardinia, the Municipality of Seneghe. Its original name "sèneghe" means ancient or old in Logudorese Sardinian language; however, there are various theories regarding its true meaning. According to the archaeologist and historian Giovanni Spano, the toponym would come from the Phoenician word "scin" meaning tooth, due to the serrated appearance of the mountain overlooking the village. However, Monsignor Giovanni Antonio Deriu, parish priest in Seneghe from 1885 to 1927, claims that the name comes from the root "sen," which is present in many other Sardinian place names such as Senis, Senorbì, and Sennori, which have no reference to serrated shapes. Furthermore, the root "s'ena" or "bena" (meaning "vein or strip of fertile land" in Seneghese dialect) is common in several locations on the island, such as S'ena ‘e Bobboi ("land of Salvatore") and Beneidi ("land of vines").

The history of Seneghe

Seneghe has a rich Nuragic past, and to this day it's still possible to admire numerous historical remains, including proto-nuraghi, nuraghi, Nuragic towers, fortifications, collective tombs, the Giants' tombs, dolmens, menhirs, and betili. Thanks to its natural position, Seneghe's territory was ideal for agriculture and pastoral life. In the course of centuries, the village went through different dominations, from the Phoenician-Punic domination to the Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Spanish and finally, the Savoyard. This led to several modifications of the name of the municipality, which was called Senege, Sehenes, or Senecae in different historical periods before being definitively named Seneghe in the 19th century.

Discover the meaning of the name Seneghe: history and beauty of a municipality in Sardinia.

The beauty of Seneghe today

Today, Seneghe is a municipality rich in history and natural beauty. The mountains surrounding the village are covered with oak and cork oak woods, while the valleys are cultivated with olive groves, vineyards, and chestnut trees, and they are abundant in clear and fresh water sources. Thanks to its geographical position and historical heritage, Seneghe is an ideal tourist destination for those who want to discover the beauties of Sardinia and immerse themselves in its culture.


In conclusion, Seneghe is a location with an ancient past, rich in historical remains and natural beauties. Its name doesn't have a univocal meaning, but different theories contend for the true origin of the toponym. No matter what the correct interpretation is, the fact is that Seneghe is a magical place, where nature and history merge in a perfect combination, ready to welcome every visitor with the warmth and hospitality typical of Sardinia.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, Jan 11, 2022