
The village of Petricci

Petricci is a peaceful and picturesque hamlet, nestled in the lush nature of Tuscany. Life mainly revolves around agricultural activities, such as vegetable, cereal, and vine cultivation. However, there are also small commercial activities, such as a grocery store and a tobacco bar. The village is made up of several narrow streets and squares, which wind their way through typical stone houses of the local architecture.

Panoramic geography

The beauty of the surrounding landscape is one of the main attractions of Petricci. To the east, the majestic mountains of Amiata rise, while to the north, the village overlooks a cliff that dominates the town of Cellena. The panorama to the south, instead, spans across the Tuscan Maremma, reaching the Tuscan archipelago, which appears as a thin line on the horizon. It is not uncommon to witness colorful and suggestive sunsets, which make the landscape even more captivating.

Petricci: A Tuscan village between tradition and nature.

The foundation of Petricci

The history of the village dates back to the 18th century when the Grand Duke of Tuscany Pietro Leopoldo di Lorena met a funeral procession carrying a dead person from Petricci to the nearby Semproniano. Moved by the situation, he decided to establish a new parish in the village, which would provide spiritual and material assistance to the population. Thus, Petricci was born, becoming an important reference point for the villagers, who increasingly moved to the small village. Over the centuries, Petricci expanded and enriched itself with new buildings and infrastructures, becoming a lively and dynamic inhabited center.

The decline of Petricci

In recent decades, however, the fate of Petricci has been marked by the progressive emigration of young people to larger and more attractive centers. Job opportunities are scarce in the village, and the lack of adequate services and infrastructures impedes the development of new economic activities. Thus, at the end of the 1990s, the number of Petricci's inhabitants drastically reduced, leading to the closure of some shops and the suppression of public services such as school. Today, the village has just under 200 inhabitants, mostly elderly people who tenaciously resist the solitude of the Tuscan hills.

In any case, Petricci has not lost its charm and authenticity, preserving intact its traditions and popular culture. The village is an ideal place for those who love peace and nature, but also for those who want to discover the historical and cultural roots of Tuscany. Among the main attractions of Petricci are the parish church, dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padua, and the small ethnographic museum, which tells the daily life and ancient productive activities of the local community. Petricci is an authentic and suggestive place, which deserves to be discovered calmly and attentively.

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Friday, Sep 23, 2022