
Welcome to Semproniano: a tour of the Tuscan municipality

If you are planning a visit to Tuscany, we recommend including a stop in Semproniano, a small municipality of just under a thousand inhabitants in the Province of Grosseto. In this article, we provide useful information about the physical geography, climate, and history of this charming locale.

Semproniano: history and nature in a Tuscan municipality.

Physical Geography


Semproniano is located in a hilly area in Tuscany, in the interior of the Albegna and Fiora Hills, a few kilometers from the base of Mount Amiata. The territory covers an area of just over 80 km² and borders several municipalities, including Roccalbegna, Santa Fiora, Castell'Azzara, Sorano, and Manciano.

The center of Semproniano is located at an altitude of 485 meters above sea level, while the fraction of Petricci reaches the height of 881 meters above sea level. In general, the territory is at medium-high hill altitudes, with a maximum altitude of 881 meters above sea level.


The climate of Semproniano is pleasant and mild. The average data available for the thirty-year period 1951-1980 for the Petricci weather station indicates that the average annual temperature is around +11.6°C at 750 meters above sea level in Petricci, while the average annual precipitation registers a value around 1,250 mm in the same locality. Mount Amiata creates a downdraft effect that ensures even in the hottest months of the year, increased precipitation compared to other localities in the Albegna and Fiora Hills.

Data from the Semproniano weather station, based on the period 1993-2020, indicate average temperatures ranging from 4.2°C in January to 29.8°C in July and average annual precipitation of around 800 mm.



According to tradition, Semproniano dates back to the Sempronia Gens of Roman times. Near the municipality, in the Rocchette di Fazio area, remains of a farm dating back to the Etruscan period were found.

Semproniano had its moment of maximum splendor during the Middle Ages when it was part of the Republic of Siena. Over the centuries, the center experienced numerous battles that influenced its development.

Monuments and places of interest

Despite its tumultuous history, Semproniano today offers visitors a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. The historic center, consisting of characteristic stone houses, preserves numerous attractions:

In addition to the historic center, Semproniano offers numerous opportunities for outdoor excursions, thanks to the presence of Mount Amiata and the Albegna and Fiora Nature Reserve.


Semproniano proves to be a perfect destination for those who want to discover an authentic and relaxing atmosphere of Tuscany. Its hilly location and mild climate provide a unique experience, among nature, history, and gastronomy. A must-stop for an unforgettable trip to Tuscany.

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Friday, Sep 23, 2022