
Discovering Piazzo, the hamlet of Segonzano

If you are looking for a peaceful place to spend a few days immersed in nature and exploring local history and architecture, Piazzo might be the right choice for you. This hamlet of the municipality of Segonzano, in the province of Trento, is located in the southeast corner of the municipal territory, bordering with the municipality of Altavalle. Let's discover together its geographical features, its history, its crops, and its places of interest.

Physical geography

Piazzo is located on an alluvial terrace on the right bank of the Regnana stream, where it flows into the Avisio river, and the village center is situated at an altitude of 520-530 meters above sea level. The area is characterized by apple orchards, particularly of the Golden Delicious and Stark Delicious varieties, and vineyards with the Müller-Thurgau, Chardonnay, Pinot Nero, and Cabernet Franc varieties. The latter were introduced to the territory of Segonzano by the enologist Giovanni Napoleone a Prato, around 1885.

Piazzo, a hamlet of Segonzano: nature, history and architecture.


The name of the village derives from the Latin term "platea," which means "wide street" or "flat area." Piazzo, in fact, is situated on a large alluvial terrace.

The painter and engraver Albrecht Dürer passed through Segonzano around 1494-1495 during his journey to Venice and also stopped at Piazzo, where he painted some views of the Segonzano Castle.

On November 2, 1796, the village was at the center of the Battle of Segonzano, which saw the French troops opposed to those of the Holy Roman Empire. To commemorate the battle, the inhabitants of Piazzo and the nearby Parlo commissioned a votive painting representing the battle, preserved in the Church of the Immaculate in Segonzano. Although the parish registers do not report any deaths among the civilian population, some bone remains found in a ground underneath the chapel of St. Anthony suggest otherwise. Furthermore, during the battle, the Segonzano Castle was severely damaged and, not being repaired, subsequently fell into ruin.

The village suffered serious damage due to heavy rains in September 1882. Due to debris, the Regnana stream in flood eroded the right bank of the stream bed, which collapsed on September 16, causing several buildings, including part of the baronial palace, to fall into the torrent.

Places of interest

Civil architecture

Among the noteworthy buildings is the palace belonging to the a Prato family, previously owned by the Barbi di Cembra family. The construction date of the structure is unknown, but it is documented at least since the sixteenth century. Part of it collapsed on September 16, 1882, due to a landslide caused by the erosion of the Regnana stream, which took away several surrounding houses and mills.

Not far from the village, along the road that leads to the hamlet of Saletto, lie the ruins of the Segonzano Castle, which gradually fell into ruin after the Battle of Segonzano and was mostly dismantled by the locals in the second half of the 19th century.

If you love nature and walks, you can also visit the Valtrigona nature reserve, which is located a few kilometers away from Piazzo. Here you can admire the suggestive ice canyon that forms in winter, but also walk along the trails that run along the Avisio River.

In short, Piazzo is a charming and evocative place immersed in nature, rich in history and architectural treasures that we invite you to discover.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Sep 13, 2022