
The Wonderful Earth Pyramids of Segonzano

If you are a nature lover and are looking for an interesting destination for your hikes in Trentino, you cannot miss the earth pyramids of Segonzano. These extraordinary natural monuments are located in the municipality of Segonzano, 875 meters above sea level, in the beautiful Cembra valley.

A Description of the Earth Pyramids

The Segonzano pyramids are called "òmeni" in the local dialect, and represent true works of art created by nature. Some of these formations reach a height of 40 meters, and their origin is linked to the erosion of running water on the ground in a moraine left by the quaternary glaciers of the Würm.

The moraine deposit was covered by a landslide of large porphyry boulders, which gave rise to the pyramids, which are formed by a conglomerate of earth and small pebbles of various origins. These materials are sufficiently consolidated to maintain a certain consistency, but still susceptible to erosion caused by rain.

The earth pyramids of Segonzano: a natural wonder in Trentino.

An Interesting Note about the Earth Pyramids

It is interesting to note that under the weight of the porphyry boulders, the ground has become more compact and protected from erosion due to rain. This phenomenon is similar to that of the wooden stakes of the foundations of Venice, which are still intact after more than five centuries thanks to their planting in mud, which does not allow oxygen to penetrate.

Bibliography and External Links

For more information about the pyramids of Segonzano, you can consult the bibliographic references in our article and visit the external links we have selected for you.

Do not miss the opportunity to discover this extraordinary natural phenomenon, which represents one of the most beautiful and fascinating treasures of Trentino. The earth pyramids of Segonzano are waiting for you to experience a unique and unforgettable adventure.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Sep 13, 2022