
Welcome to Sedini: an overview of the city and its history

Hello everyone! Today I will take you to discover the city of Sedini, a small municipality in the province of Sassari, located in the Anglona region in northern Sardinia. With its 1240 inhabitants, Sedini is a place rich in history and natural beauty.

Physical geography

Sedini is strategically located within the Anglona region, about 50 km from the capital city Sassari and borders the municipalities of Castelsardo, Tergu, Valledoria, Laerru, Bulzi and Nulvi. The territory is generally hilly, but there are also stretches of flatland with agricultural and livestock activities.

Sedini: history and beauties of a small Sardinian municipality.


The history of Sedini begins in prehistoric times with the habitation of several caves, including the Domus de Janas. The city also has a strong presence of the Nuragic civilization, the Aragonese and the principalities of Anglona. Today, visitors can still admire the Neolithic tombs in the Domus de Janas of Sedini along with several archaeological sites.


The coat of arms and the gonfalon of Sedini represent the pride and tradition of the village. The cross represents the patron saint of the Sedinese community, Saint Andrew, the ears of grain symbolize the fertility of the territory and the horse is a reference to ancient equestrian traditions.

Monuments and places of interest

Sedini boasts numerous ancient churches, such as the church of San Nicola di Silanis, Santa Maria in Solio, Santa Barbara and San Pancrazio. However, the parish church of Sant'Andrea apostolo is undoubtedly the most representative of the city. In addition, the Nuraghe Lu Paddru is the most important archaeological site in Sedini and preserves a tower surrounded by the remains of the village.

Right in the center of the village is the Domus de Janas, which not only offers a view of the village tradition but also houses the contemporary ethnographic museum. The building, once used as a prison, is an unmissable destination for tourists passionate about history and culture.


Sedini, with the history of the city, offers an unforgettable experience for visitors. The city is a gem of northern Sardinia with its natural beauty and historic treasures. The people of the village are friendly and welcoming, making the visit a memorable and unforgettable experience for all. Come visit Sedini!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Sunday, Apr 17, 2022