
Hi everyone! Today I'll talk to you about Secinaro, a small town of 320 inhabitants located in the province of L'Aquila, in Abruzzo. The city is surrounded by nature and is part of the Sirente-Velino Regional Nature Park, a true paradise for hiking and nature lovers.

Physical geography


Secinaro is located on the north-eastern slopes of Mount Sirente, in a privileged position overlooking the Subequana Valley. The agricultural center is located on a vast karst plateau - the "Prati del Sirente" - and extends along the S.P. 11 Sirentina road, which leads to the nearby plateau of Rocche. The settlement slopes towards the groove incised by a right tributary of the Aterno.

The territory of Secinaro has recently returned to the limelight due to a "crater field" attributed to a meteorite origin. The largest crater measures 140 meters in diameter and houses a lake. Although the origin of the crater field is still controversial - some believe it is of anthropic origin and that the lake was used as a watering place for grazing, others think it is of volcanic origin - the pond is not a karst structure and its formation in historical times is confirmed by radiocarbon tests. Further geological studies are still needed to discover the origin of all the structures.

Discover Secinaro: history, nature and beauty of Abruzzo.


Prehistory and Italic period

Secinaro boasts a long history that dates back to the Paleolithic, when the first men settled in the area. Later, in the Copper and Iron Ages, the region was populated by Italic tribes. The archaeological excavations currently underway in the Cerrenzana district, along the provincial road to Castelvecchio Subequo, have brought to light numerous archaeological finds of great value, including ceramics, weights, and bronze objects.

The territory of Secinaro was formerly located in the area of ​​competence of the ancient Peligni Superequani, which was included in the Regio IV Augustea during the process of Romanization of the territory - an event that began in the 4th century BC.

The toponym "Secinaro"

According to the philologist Felice Santarelli, the toponym "Secinaro" could derive from Cecina-ara, in the sense of an altar dedicated to the goddess Cecina, although the oral tradition of the place refers to a goddess "Secina" or "Sicinna".

I hope this brief overview of the history of Secinaro has been useful to you. I can't wait to show you everything this beautiful city has to offer. Keep reading!

Places of interest

The Civic Museum

The Civic Museum of Secinaro preserves numerous archaeological finds of particular interest. Among these, there is a statue of Hercules struck by lightning, recovered in the Cerro district, which dates back to the Hellenistic age.

The Church of San Giovanni Battista

The Church of San Giovanni Battista is one of the oldest places of worship in the city. The church, built in the mid-15th century, houses numerous works of art of great value, including a triptych by Vincenzo di Giovanni.

The Prati del Sirente

The Prati del Sirente is a magnificent karst plateau that extends at the foot of Mount Sirente. The landscape is characterized by vast expanses of grass and by an uncontaminated and wild nature. Hiking enthusiasts can enjoy beautiful walks among the mountains and surrounding forests.


Secinaro is a small town that preserves the traces of its ancient history and culture, immersed in a natural landscape of enormous value. The city is the ideal place for those seeking peace and tranquility, but at the same time want to discover the beauty of the Abruzzo territory. Come and visit it, you won't regret it!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, May 4, 2022