
Welcome to Scillato!

Scillato is a small municipality in Sicily with a population of 618 people, located about 60 km from Palermo and immersed in the wonderful Madonie Park. With its springs, mills, and traditions, Scillato is a truly special place.

The history of Scillato

The origins of Scillato are ancient and linked to the abundance of water in the area, which was used to build numerous mills. The name of the town appears in documents dating back to the 12th century, but some local historians hypothesize a Greek origin, dating back to the Athenian colonization of Sicily.

Scillato has not had great historical experiences, but has followed the events of Sicily, passing from one lordship to another. A fraction of Collesano until 1961, it acquired autonomy with Regional Law n. 8, which came into force on April 11.

Scillato: history, monuments, and traditions in a Sicilian municipality.

Monuments and places of interest

The main church of Scillato is the sanctuary dedicated to Our Lady of the Chain, patroness of customs officers, built in the 17th century, where a small statue of the Virgin from the same period is kept, attributed to the Gagini school (family).

The only noteworthy palace in the town dates back to the 18th century and belonged to the Cirino family, while the 17th century Firrionello Farm represents an important historical testimony. In Piazza Aldo Moro, you can admire a sculpture by Vincenzo Gennaro.

Amongst mills still visible, we find the "dell'Asiniddaru" mill, the "Paraturi" mill and the "Rasu" mill, which ceased grinding wheat in the 1960s. The "Cava houses" are typical examples of local stone buildings that are worth visiting. In addition, among the most interesting walks in the Madonie Park are the Portella Colla - Vallone Nipitalva - Firrionello Farm and Case Cava - Scillato Springs.

Traditions and folklore

Culture and traditions are very important in Scillato, and there are several festivals and fairs not to be missed. For example, on March 19th, the festival of Saint Joseph is held, with a procession and tasting of typical products.

In April, there is the Orange Festival, where you can taste the oranges of Scillato, famous for their intense flavor and fragrance.

But the most important celebration is that of the patroness Madonna della Catena, celebrated on August 20th and including a procession and various cultural events.


Scillato is an enchanted place, immersed in nature and rich in history and traditions. You are invited to discover this beautiful Sicilian town and be enchanted by its beauty and unique charm.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Sunday, Jan 29, 2023