
Discovery of Schio in prehistory

Schio has been inhabited since prehistoric times. In fact, during archaeological excavations in the area, several relics dating back to this period have been found. It is believed that the ancient inhabitants of Schio were nomadic hunters who moved from one area to another in search of food and resources.

Roman era

During the Roman era, Schio was an important center of wool production and trade. In fact, the city was located along the Claudia Augusta, one of the main commercial routes that connected the Roman Empire to the countries of northern Europe. This allowed Schio to become an important center of exchange and economic development.

Schio: history, art and gastronomy of the Upper Vicenza area.

Medieval era

During the Middle Ages, Schio experienced a period of great economic growth thanks to the production and marketing of textiles. During this period, the city became rich thanks to the presence of many artisanal and industrial activities.

Renaissance and Enlightenment

In the Renaissance and during the Enlightenment, Schio was able to maintain its role as a center of wool production and trade thanks to the presence of many great families who invested in the city. During this period, numerous churches and noble palaces were built which are still visited by tourists today.

Modern era

In the second half of the 19th century, Schio became an important center of textile production thanks to the impulse given by industrialization. The city is home to many textile factories that are still active today.

What to visit

Schio is a city rich in history and culture. There are many places to visit. Among these, the Cathedral - which dates back to the 16th century - is one of the most important places in the city. The church of San Francesco, which houses a large fresco attributed to Giotto, is another of the places to visit. Furthermore, Schio was the birthplace of Angela Merici, founder of the Ursulines. Here is the house where Merici lived most of her life, now turned into a museum.

Local cuisine

Schio's cuisine is very varied and is based on local and fresh products. Among the typical dishes of the tradition, there are "bigoli", a fresh pasta seasoned with duck sauce, and "pastinaca", a soup based on potatoes and wild fennel seeds.


Schio, located in the Alto Vicentino, is a city rich in history and culture. Its unique geographical position, surrounded by mountains and watercourses, has allowed the development of a unique artisanal and industrial culture and of a natural landscape unique in Europe. Schio is an ideal place to spend a vacation discovering Italian art, history and culinary tradition.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, Jun 25, 2022