
Discover the Province of Isernia

If you are looking for a peaceful place away from the chaos of big cities, the province of Isernia might be the right destination for you. Located in the Molise region, this province is the least populated in Italy and offers breathtaking mountain landscapes, as well as some hills and plains. In this summary, we will take you on a journey to explore the physical geography, mountains, and most important municipalities of the province of Isernia.

Physical Geography

The province of Isernia borders Abruzzo to the north, Campobasso to the east, Campania to the south, and Lazio to the west. The territory is predominantly mountainous, with some hilly and flat areas. In particular, the Venafro plain is a flat area located southwest of the province.

Discover the province of Isernia: mountains and typical products.


Mountains are the main feature of the province of Isernia. There are three main mountain ranges, including the mountain range of Montagne della Meta, located northwest of the province, that of Matese, to the south, and Alto Molise mountains, in the northeast area of the province. In the southeast area, the Montagnola Molisana is present.

The municipalities belonging to the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park are located in the Meta and Mainarde mountain ranges, namely Pizzone, Castel San Vincenzo, Rocchetta a Volturno, Scapoli, and Filignano.

The Matese mountains are touched by the SS 85 Venafrana and host the municipalities of Sant'Agapito, Pettoranello, Monteroduni, Longano, Castelpizzuto, Castelpetroso, Roccamandolfi, and Cantalupo nel Sannio.

The Montagnola Molisana includes the municipalities of Frosolone, Civitanova del Sannio, and Macchiagodena.

The Venafro mountains surround the plain and exceed 1,000 meters of altitude, affecting the municipalities of Venafro, Sesto Campano, Conca Casale, and Pozzilli.

The Alto Molise mountains include the northernmost municipalities, including the most important ones, Capracotta, and Agnone.


The province of Isernia is made up of 52 municipalities, many of which do not exceed one thousand inhabitants. The most important municipalities from a socio-economic point of view are Isernia, Venafro, Agnone, and Frosolone, whose four municipal coats of arms form the provincial one.

What to do in the Province of Isernia

The province of Isernia offers many activities for all tastes. The mountains are perfect for trekking enthusiasts, hiking, and winter sports such as alpine skiing and cross-country skiing. The Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park offers guided tours and excursions to discover the uncontaminated nature of the area.

The province of Isernia is also famous for its typical products, including cheeses and cured meats, local wines, and olive oil. Some municipalities of the province organize fairs and festivals to promote their products, such as the Caciocavallo Fair in Agnone, the Capracotta Truffle Festival, and the Montaquila Pepper Festival.

Moreover, the historic centers of the municipalities of the province of Isernia hide treasures of art and culture. For example, the city of Isernia preserves the remains of a Roman theater and the Cathedral of San Pietro Apostolo, dating back to the eighteenth century.


If you are looking for a peaceful place surrounded by nature, the province of Isernia is the right destination. Its mountains, typical products, and numerous activities will leave you speechless. Don't miss the chance to visit this unique province and discover all its beauties.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Tuesday, Sep 27, 2022