
Frattura: a unique place among the Abruzzo mountains

Frattura is one of the hamlets of the municipality of Scanno, in the province of L'Aquila, a place characterized by a particular atmosphere. Inhabited by only 63 residents, the village is located at an altitude of 1260 m, on the western slopes of Mount Genzana, and has a fascinating history.

Physical geography

Fracture: history and nature in the Abruzzo mountains.


The mountainous territory of the high Gole del Sagittario, where the two hamlets of Frattura are located, is situated between 1260 and 1307 m above sea level. The peaks of the mountains Genzana, Rognone, Serra Leardi, and Rava surround this fascinating place that overlooks the underlying lake of Scanno. Here there are several springs and sources, such as Avanelli, Giordano, Leardi, Malvascione, and Pietra Libertina. The territory is surrounded by the protected areas of the Monte Genzana and Alto Gizio guided nature reserve and the Abruzzo, Lazio, and Molise National Park.


Frattura owes its name to the landslide that occurred in prehistoric times on Mount Rava, which blocked the underlying Tasso river, thus forming the lake of Scanno. Towards the end of the 9th and beginning of the 10th century, the construction of the Frattura castle began, founded by the Di Sangro counts and ceded in 1091 to the Abbey of Montecassino. According to some scholars, the ancient village could be identified with the "castle of the Gods" mentioned in some historical documents from the 17th century. The 1915 Marsica earthquake destroyed almost completely the old village of Frattura. The presence of incoherent matter deposited by landslides caused more damage to the buildings in this place than to those placed on rocky ground. The number of victims was high, given that most of the population was made up of women and children, as men were busy with the transhumance of sheep to Puglia.

Frattura Vecchia and Nuova

After the earthquake of 1915, it was decided to rebuild Frattura slightly further south. The new center was named Frattura Nuova to distinguish it from the original village, which was left in ruins and called Frattura Vecchia. Today, the two hamlets of Frattura are linked by a scenic road that offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding area.

Daily life in Frattura

Life in Frattura is peaceful and in harmony with nature. The local economy is mainly based on agriculture and livestock farming, as in many other villages in the area. There are numerous hiking trails that connect the nearby towns of Scanno, Villalago, and Anversa degli Abruzzi.

Visiting Frattura

To visit Frattura, you can follow the Provincial Road 17, which leads to the old village of Frattura Vecchia. From here, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the entire valley. It is also recommended to visit the church of San Rocco and the ethnographic museum, which tells the history and daily life of the place.


Frattura is a unique place among the Abruzzo mountains, a place where nature and history blend harmoniously. Immersed in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, this place offers visitors the opportunity to discover the natural beauty of the territory and the history of the place.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Jul 18, 2022