
Lake Scanno: a wonder of Abruzzo

Lake Scanno is one of the most picturesque places in Abruzzo. This mountain lake, located in the province of L'Aquila, was formed thousands of years ago due to a landslide that detached from Mount Rava, in the group of Monti Marsicani, blocking the course of the Tasso River. Today, the lake is a shared asset between the municipalities of Villalago and Scanno and is a popular destination for tourists, especially during the summer season.

Description of Lake Scanno

Lake Scanno is located at an altitude of 922 meters above sea level and is the largest natural lake in the Abruzzo region. Its shores are very limited and in some areas have been adapted for bathers, forming artificial beaches of stones. From the Frattura belvedere, located near the huge landslide of Mount Rava, the lake takes on the shape of a heart, becoming even more romantic in the eyes of visitors.

The tributaries of Lake Scanno are the Tasso River and the Giordano stream, as well as some minor and seasonal watercourses. It does not seem to have any superficial emissaries: its waters flow out of the ground a little further downstream, in the municipality of Villalago, giving rise to the Sagittario River. During winter, sometimes a watercourse crosses the valley from the lake to Villalago, generating other small lakes.

Lake Scanno: natural wonder of Abruzzo.

The geology of Lake Scanno

The section of the Sagittario River valley where Lake Scanno is located is included between two large limestone masses of Montagna Grande and Monte Genzana-Monte Greco, characterized respectively by platform facies limestones and limestone-marl sediments. The entire lake catchment area is strongly conditioned by the nearby Monte Genzana fault and a supposed minor fault that should approximately follow the Tasso River valley, which also causes a slight rise of the fluvial breccia conglomerates with respect to the Tasso River valley floor.


In summary, Lake Scanno is a magical and picturesque place, where nature and geology create a breathtaking sight. Its crystal-clear waters, surrounded by the peaks of Monti Marsicani, offer a unique and incomparable landscape, capable of astonishing every visitor. The lake is also rich in animal life, with numerous species of fish and birds that inhabit its waters and surrounding areas. In short, Lake Scanno is a real treasure of Abruzzo, to be absolutely visited by those who love nature and the beauty of unspoiled landscapes.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Jul 18, 2022