Scandolara Ravara

Scandolara Ravara: a small community of Roman origin

Scandolara Ravara is a municipality of about 1,286 inhabitants located in the province of Cremona, in Lombardy. This area dates back to ancient times when the embanked road of the Po River connected Cremona with Brescello (the ancient "Brixellium"), passing through Scandolara itself. This way the Romanized community had the opportunity, by acting on the traffic route, to make their area known to passersby, soldiers or merchants. In Roman times, there was a very important river here: the Po, which, passing close to Scandolara, influenced the life of the local inhabitants.

Archaeological discoveries in Scandolara

The church of San Benedetto di Borgolieto is another important monument in the area, which today preserves several archaeological finds, including coins and artifacts that testify to the presence of a road that ran alongside the river, used in Roman times. Moreover, numerous archaeological remains have been found in the area that demonstrate the importance of the Scandolara community already in Etruscan times, from the 6th century B.C. Nowadays it is still possible to discover traces of this civilization, such as in Torricella Parmigiana or along the course of the Taro River, whose estuary once flowed into the Po River right in front of Scandolara.

Scandolara Ravara: history and archaeological discoveries.

The history of the name Scandolara Ravara and commercial activities

The original name of the community was Scandolara Ripa di Po, which was later transformed into Riparia and then into Ravara, due to the Cremonese dialect. The area was probably a very important mooring point for navigation on the Po River since ancient times. The embankments built in Etruscan times were used to contain the river floods, but also to allow navigation in both directions. The boats were therefore pulled by oxen or horses to their destination. Scandolara was particularly known for commercial activities and for trade between different cities. The tomb of Ilumvio, incredibly made of granite (which is found only hundreds of kilometers away from the sands and clays of the soil of the lower Cremona), attests to the importance of these commercial activities.

Scandolara Ravara today

Today, Scandolara Ravara is still a small community animated by a strong tradition. The church of San Benedetto di Borgolieto is an important place of worship where visitors can admire many archaeological finds. The area also offers many opportunities for walks in the greenery and to visit the Po River, as well as other important sites such as Martignana and Vicobellignano. The inhabitants of the municipality are very proud of their community and its history, which dates back to ancient times. Nowadays, Scandolara preserves this strong tradition and continues to be an important reference point for the lower Cremona area, an area characterized by natural landscapes of great charm and beauty.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Thursday, Apr 28, 2022