
Scagnello: a town of 185 inhabitants in Piedmont

Scagnello is a small town located in the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont, with a population of only 185 inhabitants. The village has a long history, documented since 1241. Throughout the centuries, Scagnello has passed through many different owners and lords before becoming part of the Duchy of Savoy in the 16th century.

The history of Scagnello

The first mention of Scagnello dates back to April 20th, 1241, when a property division was established between the Marchesato di Ceva. The territory of Scagnello then passed to the Diocese of Asti in 1295 and then to Gian Galeazzo Visconti in 1381. In the 16th century, it became part of the Duchy of Savoy. The feud of Scagnello was split up and subject to many lords over the centuries.

Scagnello: history, symbols, and treasures of a Piedmontese municipality.

Symbols of Scagnello

The symbol of Scagnello is a coat of arms granted in 1995. The word Scagnello means "stool" in Piedmontese, and the main representation of the coat of arms is a "scagnello". The gold and black stripes of the emblem are taken from the emblem of the Marchesato di Ceva.

Monuments and places of interest

Scagnello was an ancient castle built in the 12th century. Of this castle, only the Tower of Scagnello remains, located at an altitude of 838 meters. The parish of San Giovanni Battista is a recent church, built in 1637, with a Baroque façade designed by Bartolomeo Unia in 1878. The arch or gate of Scagnello is another construction of historical interest.

Cultural events in Scagnello

Scagnello hosts several cultural events throughout the year. I Magnin is a carnival to celebrate Fat Friday. The Feast of Black Truffle and typical products of Val Mongia takes place on the second weekend of March, while the Cinophilia Show is held on May 1st. Finally, the Feast of Scagnellesi takes place on the first Sunday of August.

Administration of Scagnello

Scagnello has been governed by many different administrations. It is part of the mountain community of Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese.


Scagnello is a small town with a long and interesting history. Despite its small size, the village has many monuments and places of interest, such as the Tower of Scagnello and the Parish of San Giovanni Battista. Additionally, the cultural events in Scagnello bring life and beauty to the entire commune.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Friday, Apr 15, 2022