
Savignone Castle: history and legends

Savignone Castle is an ancient building complex that was once not only an impregnable fortress, but also a noble residence for illustrious Genoese lords. Located on the top of a hill, the castle overlooks the valley and the eponymous municipality, as if it wanted to preserve its majesty. The castle has seen many battles and sieges, and is rich in legends that tell its story.


The castle, now in ruins, was built on a rocky outcrop of clastic sedimentary rocks, the Savignone Conglomerate, which overlooks the municipality from its 150-meter height. The structure of the castle is well-preserved, despite its walls being partially destroyed today. The wall is strengthened to the south by a semicircular tower, while on the other side it is naturally defended by the cliff.

The tower, located at the southernmost end, is massive and has a horseshoe shape, that is, straight on the inside and circular on the outside of the walls. This type, suitable for withstanding the assault of the first firearms, is similar to that of the four towers that flanked the nearby Montoggio Castle, in the restructuring of the latter by Sinibaldo Fieschi. Inside, the tower still preserves a stretch of stairs and remains of the fireplace niches on the first and second floors.

Culture and requalification at the Castle of Savignone.


The castle is divided into two levels in elevation, based on the embankment of the rampart and the underground or semi-underground environments connected to it. On the open square, where the soldiers gathered, there is the courtyard which is reached through a narrow staircase from the underground. In the northern part of the castle, we find the remains of the noble residence, with wide and high windows.

The undergrounds, located in the pudding stone, were created to accommodate soldiers and a water cistern. The environment is formed by a large room that was reserved for the soldiers, closed on two sides by the perimeter wall.


The last owner of the castle was Nicoletto Crosa di Vergagni, heir of the Fieschi family from the marriage with Carlotta Fieschi. Currently, the structure is owned by the municipality. Unfortunately, the castle is in ruins and is undergoing restoration work. The Municipal Administration of Savignone has started the work of safety and functional reuse of the castle. The restoration, which concerns the vaulted entrance hall, the courtyard, and the horseshoe tower, aims to safeguard what remains of the ruin and redevelop the building, making it suitable to host events, exhibitions, and shows, returning it to the community as a symbol of the municipality.


In summary, Savignone Castle was an important historical center between the 12th and 13th centuries and today represents an important symbol of the municipality. With its history and legends, the castle has become a popular tourist destination over the years, attracting visitors from all over Italy. We hope that, thanks to the ongoing restoration work, the castle can continue to represent one of the most suggestive and historically charged places in Liguria.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Thursday, Nov 10, 2022