Savignano Irpino

Welcome back to Savignano Irpino, an ancient village on the saddle

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about a village in southern Italy, located in the province of Avellino, which has recently been included among the most beautiful villages in Italy. I'm talking about Savignano Irpino, a quiet community of about 1000 inhabitants, perched on the saddle of two hills called the "Tombola" and the "Calvary".

Physical Geography

Savignano Irpino has a privileged position overlooking the valley of the Cervaro River. The village is located on the right bank of the river along the 90 Puglia state road and borders the Puglia region. A unique feature of Savignano Irpino is the presence of a natural lake fed by sulfurous water and a stream. The surrounding territory is covered by a beautiful extended forest of deciduous trees, populated by different species of animals such as the Sus scrofa, introduced for hunting purposes, and the Canis lupus which still perplexes researchers.

Savignano Irpino: history and beauty on a saddle.


The village of Savignano Irpino has a cool temperate climate with mild temperatures and rather moderate rainfall. During winter, it is possible to admire the beauty of snowfalls and during summer, there are periods when the village suffers from extreme drought.


Savignano Irpino has a long and complex history dating back to the Paleolithic age. Over the years, different tribes of different ethnicities settled in the area, including the Umbro-Sabelli, the Osci, the Samnites, the Ostrogoths, the Byzantines and the Lombards. The construction of the Castrum Sabinianum castle dates back to the 7th or 8th century and the perimeter walls have recently been restored, after being damaged by frequent raids in that period.

During the Norman invasion of southern Italy, the village of Savignano became part of a barony dependent on the county of Ariano. This barony is attested for the last time in the Aragonese era, when it was part of the province of Principato Ultra.

After the unification of Italy, the village was annexed to the province of Avellino, but kept the name of Savignano until 1862 when it acquired the specification "di Puglia" to differentiate itself from other homonymous villages. In 1963, the village changed its name again from Savignano di Puglia to Savignano Irpino, reflecting the dual affiliation of the territory in relation to the two regions and the administrative changes.

The area has suffered two serious earthquakes in the past, one in 1962 and one in 1980, which caused a lot of damage.


In conclusion, Savignano Irpino is a village with a fascinating history and a charming geographical position. Thanks to its beauty and history, it is now part of the list of the most beautiful villages in Italy. If you are in the area, don't miss the opportunity to visit this jewel of southern Italy.

Francesco Serra
Updated Sunday, May 22, 2022