
Welcome to Sassinoro: Discovering the Campanian Border Town

If you are looking for a quiet and charming place to escape the chaos of the cities, Sassinoro could be your ideal destination. This town in the province of Benevento, located at the foothills of Mount Rotondo, has plenty to offer to those who want to immerse themselves in the nature and history of the Campanian territory.

Discovering the Physical Geography of Sassinoro

The territory of Sassinoro is located on a hill to the north of Campania, bordering with Molise and the province of Campobasso. Its altitude ranges from 392 meters near the Tammaro River to 1,175 meters on the peak of Selvozza, with a difference in height of 783 meters.

The town is delimited by two natural watercourses, the Sassinora and Rio Fratto streams, both of which are tributaries of the Tammaro. The town's territory is characterized by hills and mountains, with some small plains such as the Pianella di Colle di Prato and the Vignadonica plain.

Sassinoro: discovering the Campanian border municipality.

Discovering the Geology of Sassinoro

The soil of Sassinoro is mainly characterized by limestone rocks and sandstone benches, which are used as factory cement. There are no indications of volcanic or fossil origins present in the territory.

Sassinoro's soil can be classified into three varieties: clayey-limestone, clayey-limestone-sandy, and clayey-siliceous. The clayey-limestone variety develops around Mount Rotondo and up to the banks of the Tammaro, while the clayey-limestone-sandy variety is found in the hills cultivated with vineyards and agricultural land to the north of the town. Finally, the clayey-siliceous variety develops in the plains and areas close to the watercourses.

Discovering the Hydrography of Sassinoro

The territory of Sassinoro is characterized by many water sources along the northern slopes of Mount Rotondo, with thirteen fresh and plentiful sources that are used for irrigation during the summer months. All the sources are located above 800 meters above sea level and flow into the Tammaro.

What to see in Sassinoro

Sassinoro is a very small and peaceful town, but it has a lot to offer to those who want to discover the most authentic and rural Campania. Among the main attractions are:

Activities to do in Sassinoro

Sassinoro is an ideal town for those who love walks in nature and outdoor activities. Among the activities to do are:


Sassinoro is an authentic and charming town, perfect for a break from the hectic life of the cities and to discover the treasures of rural Campania. Among the hills and mountains, among the water sources and the wild nature, you can experience moments of peace and serenity, immersed in the history and traditions of this genuine and fascinating territory.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Sunday, Jun 19, 2022