
Sarule: a fascinating and multicultural Sardinian community

If you are looking for a spectacular location in the Italian region of Sardinia, Sarule is an excellent choice. This municipality, located in the province of Nuoro, has a population of 1551 and is situated 630 meters above sea level in the Barbagia di Ollolai, at the foot of Mount Gonare. In this text, I will give you an idea of what Sarule is like from a geographical, historical, and social perspective.

Physical Geography

Sarule: history, geography, and society of a multicultural municipality.


The territory of Sarule extends over more than 52 square kilometers and borders Ollolai, Orani, Olzai, Ottana, and Mamoiada. Its landscape features a considerable variety of altitudes, ranging from 215 meters above sea level in the valley of "Ghirthoe" to 1086 meters of Mount Gonare. The entire surrounding area is a natural wonder with stunning mountains, pastures, and trails that offer exciting opportunities for trekking and hiking or cycling.


Sarule has a rich and fascinating history dating back to the pre-Nuragic and Nuragic era of Sardinia. Numerous artifacts, such as giants' tombs, monoliths, and Nuraghe, testify to the ancient origins of the village.

In the Middle Ages, Sarule belonged to the judicate of Torres and was first part of the curatorship of Sarule, of which it was the capital, and then of that of Ottana. At the fall of the judicate (1259) it passed for some time under the administration of the judicate of Arborea and subsequently, around 1324, under the Aragonese one.

After a period of conflicts between the Aragonese and the Arborenses during the Sardinian-Catalan War, Sarule definitively passed under Aragonese dominion between the end of the 14th and the beginning of the 15th century. It became a feudal estate under the Da Silva and, in 1617, was incorporated into the marquisate of Orani. It was only in 1839 that the feudal system was abolished, and the village redeemed from the dominion of the Fadriguez Fernandez.


The coat of arms and the flag of the municipality of Sarule were granted by the decree of the President of the Republic of November 13, 2002. The flag is presented as a red drape.


Demographic evolution

The population of Sarule has undergone continuous changes over the centuries. Today, the municipality has about 1551 inhabitants, and the evolution of the number of inhabitants, based on past and current statistics, suggests a slight increase in population over time.

Languages and dialects

The dialect of Sarule is interesting because it presents some terms of clear Arabic derivation. These words are believed to have been imported into that area by captured slaves or by pirates who took refuge in the mountains of the Sardinian hinterland. Many other terms have instead come through the Pisan dialect or the Ligurian dialect. Others have been transmitted from the languages of the pluricentennial dominators of the island, namely Catalan and Spanish, which have been strongly influenced by the Arabic language. Some terms were brought by Sicilian merchants and also by Neapolitan ones. One cannot overlook the contribution provided by the Jewish communities, who came from Islamic Spain and settled in the ghettos of cities such as Cagliari, Sassari, and Alghero. Among the Arabic-origin terms present in the Sardinian language, two are only found in the Sarulese dialect: "dimma" (in the expression "lu amus a dimma") and "tabeccàre" (in the expression "(f)aco comente mi tabèccat"), which can be traced back to the (linguistic) root "tbq" which among the different meanings also has that of "to be well", "to agree", etc.

In conclusion, Sarule is a beautiful location in Sardinia that offers many opportunities for excursions and immersion in local culture. Its fascinating history and mix of cultures and languages in the community make Sarule a special place. With its unique natural landscape and rich history, this municipality is definitely worth visiting.

Veronica Vitale
Updated Friday, Jan 6, 2023