
A bit of history about Sarezzo

Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk to you about Sarezzo, an Italian municipality located in the province of Brescia in Lombardy. Although it is a small town, Sarezzo has a very interesting history dating back to Celtic and Roman times. The name itself, "Saretium," refers to the fences and enclosures for cattle that once existed here.

Geographical location

Located about 13 kilometers north of Brescia, Sarezzo is situated in the lower Val Trompia as well as partially in the lateral Val Gobbia. The Mella river runs through the entire municipality, making it a very fertile area for agriculture.

Sarezzo: a millenary history in the province of Brescia.

The heretical period

Sarezzo was not immune to the influence of "heretical" ideas from the 1500s. One of its rectors, Don Ludovico Dolzi, reported that hermits often came to the town square and gave speeches that were well received by the population. However, these hermits were considered "Lutheran beasts" and often stirred up trouble and spread heresies. The rector even had to dismiss a preacher who was attracting the attention of the local population.

The Bailo, powerful weapons producers

Tiburzio Bailo, a resident of Sarezzo, was a well-known artillery producer in the late 1600s. His fame spread all the way to Venice, where the Bailo family were among the main suppliers of artillery pieces to the Republic. However, with the fall of Venice, the Bailo family's fortune also declined. A subsequent generation tried to recreate the Bailo family's success, but their past as friends of the French caused them many difficulties following the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Moments of glory

Sarezzo has had some moments of glory in its history. In 1814, the municipality received a request to send a couple of hundred workers to Mantua to build the Quadrilatero Fortresses. In 1825, for the visit of Archduke Franz Karl of Austria, a triumphal arch was erected in Zanano. However, there have also been moments of great sadness, such as the cholera epidemic of 1836 which killed 80 people in Sarezzo.


In conclusion, Sarezzo is a small municipality with a very interesting history. It has played an important role in Val Trompia thanks to its geographical location and its economy. Despite the difficulties and tragedies it has faced throughout its history, Sarezzo has always managed to rise up and look to the future with hope. If you ever have the opportunity to visit this city, do not miss the chance to savor its beauty and its millennia-long history.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Sunday, Feb 20, 2022