
An ancient city rich in history

Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk to you about Sarego, an Italian town located in the province of Vicenza, in the Veneto region, which has about 6700 inhabitants. The town was discovered in a particularly interesting archaeological area, and its history has witnessed many eras, up to the contemporary age.

A strategic geographical location

Sarego is located in a strategic position, southeast of the Brenta River and a few kilometers from the Venetian plain. The city's territory is characterized by a hilly landscape, with a maximum elevation of 257 meters.

Sarego: a historic town in Veneto.

An ancient history

On the territory of Sarego, fragments of prehistoric pottery have been found, testifying to human presence in this area since ancient times. During the Roman era, the territory was crossed by the Via Postumia and marked by the Roman centuriation, a system of land division that the Roman government undertook to ensure control and defense of agricultural areas.

In this area, a Roman villa was discovered near Ca' Quinta, where mosaics, marble coverings, frescoes and heating systems for the villa have been found. The toponym of Santa Giustina instead recalls the presence of a Christian church in the area.

A long medieval history

During the medieval period, the territory of Sarego was still characterized by the presence of castles and fortifications. The first castle was located in the capital city, and its foundation dates back to the 10th century, when the family of da Sarego resided in this area. In this period, the castle depended on the primitive church, which was part of the wide jurisdiction of the parish of Santa Maria di Altavilla Vicentina and the bishops of Vicenza.

The second castle, on the other hand, was located in Meledo and belonged to the Pan de' Campi family. Later, it was enfeoffed by da Sarego and was called "castrum vetus".

Over time, the city of Sarego survived many wars and struggles, such as those between Veronese and Paduans, but always managed to rise again thanks to its mixture of Latin Christian and Lombard cultures.


In conclusion, Sarego is an Italian town rich in history, and its territory has witnessed the struggles and vicissitudes of many eras. Today, the city is an important cultural and tourist center, attracting tourists from all over the world for its natural beauty and its historical-artistic heritage. If you have the opportunity to visit Veneto, don't miss the chance to discover Sarego and its fascinating history!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, May 14, 2022