
Welcome to Sappada, mountain municipality in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region

Sappada, known as Plodn in Sappadino, Bladen in German, Sapade in Friulian, and Sapada in Ladino, is a municipality of 1,300 inhabitants located between Cadore and Carnia, on the border between Veneto and the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region. In this text, we will take you on a journey to discover this beautiful mountain municipality, where you can enjoy unspoiled nature and a German linguistic island.

Sappada's physical geography

Sappada is located at an altitude of 1,220 meters and is situated in the northeastern extremity of the Dolomites. The village extends east-west along the valley crossed by the Piave River. The sources of the sacred river are located right in the municipal territory at 1,800 meters at the foot of Mount Peralba, which, with its 2,694 meters, is the fourth peak of the Carnic Alps. Impressive and suggestive Dolomite massifs surround it, with the landscape characterized by green pastures and extensive coniferous forests with numerous alpine waterfalls and lakes.

Sappada: unspoiled nature and mountain tourism.

Sappada's orography

The main peaks are Pic Cjadenis (2,490 meters) and Monte Lastroni (2,450 meters), which together with Monte Peralba are located in northern Val Sesis. In addition, there are Monte Chiadenis (2,454 meters), Creta Forata (2,460 meters), Monte Geu, Monte Cimon, Monte Siera (2,442 meters), Piccolo Siera, the Gruppo dei Clap (2,487 meters) on the southern slope, the Gruppo delle Terze (Monte Terza Grande 2,586 meters, Monte Terza Media 2,433 meters, Monte Terza Piccola 2,333 meters, Cresta di Enghe 2,414 meters), to the west, Monte Rinaldo, Monte Ferro (2,348 meters), the Cresta del Righile, and Monte Hochbolt on the northern slope of the valley.

Sappada's environment

The environment surrounding Sappada is still unspoiled, and this is reflected positively in the variety of animal and plant species that live in the valley. In the spruce and larch forests that surround Sappada, with a bit of luck, various animal species can be observed, such as the black grouse, the Lyrurus tetrix, the Lagopus muta, the ermine, the vulpes vulpes, the Lepus timidus, and the sciurus vulgaris. Among the flowers, all strictly protected, grow the Leontopodium, the rock cress, the heather, the gentian, the buttercup, and over fifty species of wild orchids.

If you go higher, you can encounter marmota marmota, Rupicapra rupicapra, Cervus elaphus, and roe deer.

Tourism in Sappada

Sappada is a renowned summer and winter tourist resort with many outdoor activities to do. The town is a paradise for ski lovers thanks to the numerous ski slopes, alpine refuges offering food and warmth, and a wide range of winter sports. In summer, you can go hiking in the mountains, take walks in uncontaminated nature, mountain biking, and climbing.


In this text, we have presented you with Sappada, a mountain municipality located between Cadore and Carnia, on the border between Veneto and the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region. Sappada is surrounded by impressive and suggestive Dolomite massifs and offers an unspoiled environment with numerous animals and plants. It is also a renowned summer and winter tourist resort with many outdoor activities to do. Sappada is definitely a place to visit if you love nature and mountain.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Sunday, Apr 10, 2022