Santu Lussurgiu

Welcome to Santu Lussurgiu

Hello everyone and welcome to Santu Lussurgiu! This town of 2,213 inhabitants is located in the province of Oristano in Sardinia and is a wonderful place to visit if you love nature and authentic atmospheres.

Discover the geography of Santu Lussurgiu

The territory of Santu Lussurgiu is very interesting from a geographical point of view. It is located on the eastern side of Montiferru and has an altitude of about 503 meters above sea level. The territory is mainly mountainous with a maximum altitude of 1,050 meters and a minimum of about 200 meters. You will find pastures and cork oak groves, but also chestnut groves and holm oak groves that surround the town and were threatened by a fire in 1994.

Santu Lussurgiu: nature and springs in Sardinia

Hydrography in Sardinia

Santu Lussurgiu is rich in springs and streams. The Su Sauccu fountain is located on the main road, Viale Azuni, while the Sa Preda Lada fountain is 2.5 km from the town on the road to Cuglieri. At about 800 meters altitude along the same road, there is the Silvanis spring, hidden in the vegetation of holly and holm oak. Along the agricultural penetration road, the Sos Crabalzos fountain offers a splendid scenario and its waters flow into the Bau 'e Mela river.

Springs and waters of Santu Lussurgiu

The most famous springs in Santu Lussurgiu are those of San Leonardo de Siete Fuentes, with water dammed and bottled, and the Elighes Uttiosos spring, where fresh water gushes from the roots of centuries-old holm oaks.

Curiosities about the territory of Santu Lussurgiu

It is said that Santu Lussurgiu developed within an ancient and inactive volcanic basin, but there is no evidence to support this theory. However, the city is surrounded by the massif of Montiferru, of volcanic origin. In addition, the highest peak of Montiferru, namely Monte Urtigu, is located entirely in the territory of Santu Lussurgiu.


Santu Lussurgiu is a Sardinian city with incomparable nature, full of springs and streams. An ideal place for those who want to relax and enjoy the splendid territory of Sardinia. Authentic experiences await you in this incredible corner of the world!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, Mar 22, 2022