Santo Stefano di Magra

Welcome to Santo Stefano di Magra!

Hello everyone! Today I'll be telling you about Santo Stefano di Magra, a town located in the province of La Spezia, in Liguria. With its 9,787 inhabitants, Santo Stefano di Magra is a medium-sized city. But don't be fooled by its size, as it offers a wide range of cultural and natural activities for history and nature lovers. So, why not join me on a journey to discover the charm of Santo Stefano di Magra?

The Geographic Location of Santo Stefano di Magra

Santo Stefano di Magra is located where the Vara River flows into the Magra River, in the province of La Spezia, but its territory also extends to the surrounding hills, reaching as far as the village of Ponzano Superiore. This geographic location makes it an important communication point between Tuscany's Lunigiana and the provinces of La Spezia and Massa-Carrara. Additionally, the city is the center of the Montemarcello-Magra-Vara Regional Nature Park, a true gem for nature lovers.

Santo Stefano di Magra: history, nature, and gastronomy in Liguria.

The History of Santo Stefano di Magra

Santo Stefano di Magra has a history dating back to the 10th century when the village was mentioned in the imperial diploma of Otto II of Saxony as an important market town along the Francigena Way. Over the centuries, the village was a stop for important religious authorities traveling to or from Rome, including Archbishop Sigeric of Canterbury and Icelandic Abbot Nikulas of Munkaþverá.

Representatives of the people gathered with the bishop and the Malaspina in 1202 to swear a common peace between the parties, and from 1203 new granted areas were designated for the inhabitants and new castles were built. Over the centuries, Santo Stefano di Magra passed several times to different rulers, including the Visconti, Fregoso, and the Republic of Genoa.

What to See in Santo Stefano di Magra

One of the main tourist attractions in Santo Stefano di Magra is its beautiful Pieve, dedicated to Saint Stephen the Protomartyr, mentioned in a 1154 writing by Pope Anastasius IV. The Pieve is a beautiful example of Romanesque architecture and houses numerous valuable frescoes.

Those who want to immerse themselves in the city's history can visit the Bastia Castle, built in 1203 on the orders of the bishop of Luni and then expanded in the 14th century by the Malaspina family. Today the castle is a museum open to the public.

The territory of Santo Stefano di Magra also offers numerous opportunities for hiking enthusiasts, thanks to the beautiful surrounding hills and the Montemarcello-Magra-Vara Regional Nature Park.

Gastronomic Specialties of Santo Stefano di Magra

To conclude this visit to Santo Stefano di Magra, it is mandatory to talk about its cuisine. The city offers a wide choice of traditional fish-based dishes, such as cod alla spezzina and seafood soup alla marinara. But Santo Stefano di Magra is also famous for its typical products, such as goat and sheep cheese, honey, Vermentino wine, and extra virgin olive oil.


In conclusion, Santo Stefano di Magra is a city that offers a lot to its visitors, thanks to its favorable geographic position, millennial history, and numerous cultural and natural activities offered. If you are on vacation in the province of La Spezia, you cannot miss the opportunity to visit this beautiful Ligurian city!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Sunday, May 22, 2022