Santo Stefano Belbo

Santo Stefano Belbo - a delightful town in the heart of Piedmont

Santo Stefano Belbo is a small town in the province of Cuneo, located in the enchanting region of Piedmont in northern Italy. With its 3,880 inhabitants, Santo Stefano Belbo is a charming place surrounded by vast vineyards and picturesque mountains.

The town of wine production

Most of Santo Stefano Belbo's economic activities revolve around wine production. In particular, Moscato d'Asti is one of the most valuable wines produced in the area. This reality has also favored the creation of other induced activities, such as enomechanics. The town is also famous for its processing of Tonda Gentile del Piemonte hazelnuts and its connection to motorsport.

Santo Stefano Belbo: wine, beauty and tradition in Piedmont.

The Shrine of Madonna della Neve

The Shrine of Madonna della Neve is located on the Moncucco hill at the top of the town. Every year, on August 4th, the signal for lighting the bonfires that illuminate the hilly landscape starts from here. In this way, it is possible to admire an incredible show at night.

Monuments and places of interest

The Church of Saints James and Christopher, dating back to 1300, stands next to the remains of an ancient medieval tower and the ruins of the castle. In the past, the church was a very important place for prayer in the town but was abandoned in 1926. Today, however, it has become the headquarters of the Civic Library and the "Cesare Pavese Foundation".

Demographics and foreign communities

According to data from the National Institute of Statistics as of December 31, 2017, foreign citizens residing in Santo Stefano Belbo are 432. The most significant nationalities represented are the Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Albania.

Administration and municipality management

The municipality of Santo Stefano Belbo has a very efficient and organized administration. The table below shows the administrations that have succeeded over time.


Santo Stefano Belbo is an enchanting town with an active and lively community. Wine production is the flagship of the town, but there are also many other interesting activities. If you love Italy, wine, and culture, Santo Stefano Belbo is certainly a place to visit!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Thursday, Jan 27, 2022