Santa Maria della Versa

Santa Maria della Versa: a bit of history

Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about Santa Maria della Versa, a municipality in the heart of the Oltrepò Pavese, in Lombardy, which has about 2,244 inhabitants. The oldest historic center of this municipality is Soriasco, which dates back to the 9th century and belonged to the Bobbio Abbey of San Colombano. In the 14th century it became a fiefdom of the Giorgi family, who in turn extended it to Pietra de' Giorgi and Rocca de' Giorgi. Later, the fiefdom passed to Gerolamo dal Pozzo, who sold it to the Gambarana counts in the 17th century. In the 19th century, the municipality of Montarco joined the municipality of Soriasco and became Santa Maria della Versa.

Monuments and places of interest

One of the most interesting and ancient places in Santa Maria della Versa is the Tower of Soriasco, which testifies to the long history of the municipality. It is a medieval tower that has recently been restored and has become a symbol of the municipality.

Santa Maria della Versa: history, monuments and demographic growth.

Demographic evolution

The municipality of Santa Maria della Versa has seen a growth in population over the years, going from just over a thousand inhabitants in 1951 to about two thousand in 2021. This shows the appeal and quality of life of the municipality.


Santa Maria della Versa is part of the Oltrepò Pavese Mountain Community, which is responsible for protecting the territory and promoting sustainable development.


In summary, Santa Maria della Versa is a municipality with an ancient and fascinating history, a place that boasts monuments and places of interest, and has seen sustained demographic growth over the years. The municipality is part of a mountain community committed to the protection of the territory and sustainable development. If you are looking for a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, Santa Maria della Versa is definitely a great choice.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Sunday, Jan 16, 2022