Santa Domenica Vittoria

Welcome to Santa Domenica Vittoria!

Located at the foot of the Nebrodi Park, on the northern coast of Sicily, is the Municipality of Santa Domenica Vittoria. With its inhabitants, the metropolitan city of Messina embraces this small gem in its territory.

Discover the Physical Geography of Santa Domenica Vittoria

Santa Domenica Vittoria is located southeast of the Alcantara River, at the eastern border of the Nebrodi Park. It is one of the most beautiful spots to observe Mount Etna, the highest volcano in Southern Europe. The rare lava flows that come down from the northern and northeastern slopes of Mount Etna can be admired from the heights of this town. The area also offers the opportunity to observe the starry sky without the light pollution of big cities.

The region also offers a wide range of outdoor activities thanks to its numerous trails, amateur cycling routes and picnic areas, all immersed in unspoiled nature. However, the town is also known for its clayey soils, which have caused subsidence problems in the past. In March 1996, due to heavy rain, a landslide destroyed part of the SS116. Moreover, the town is sinking down the valley, dropping from 1080 meters above sea level at the time of its foundation to 1027 meters today.

Santa Domenica Vittoria: Unveiling Its Natural and Historical Beauty

A Brief History of the Municipality

Santa Domenica Vittoria has feudal origins, dating back to the seventeenth century, when the Pagano family purchased it from the Marquis of Roccella, Michele Spadafora Maniaci. The name of the town was then chosen in honor of the Patron Saint according to the religious traditions of the area. The symbol of the banner, yellow like the Sicilian sun, was granted in 1987.

Places to Visit

The architecture of Santa Domenica Vittoria focuses on its Mother Church, dedicated to Santa Domenica Vittoria, which was built in 1645 and has undergone various renovations over the years. In addition, there are some civil buildings of historical interest, such as the former convent which now serves as the town hall.


The demographic evolution of Santa Domenica Vittoria has always been modest, with a peak of around 1,300 inhabitants in the 1950s and a constant decrease to the nearly 200 inhabitants of 2021.


The municipality of Santa Domenica Vittoria is part of the agricultural region 3 (Alto Fantina and Alto Mela). Here, citizens enjoy many opportunities to participate in public life, thanks to numerous community initiatives for the well-being of children, youth and seniors.

Bibliographic Notes and External Links

For more information on the history of Santa Domenica Vittoria, physical geography and southern Sicilian culture, we invite you to consult the following websites and bibliographies.

We wish you an exciting adventure of discovery in this rare and precious place, where nature and humanity meet in harmony.

Thank you and goodbye to Santa Domenica Vittoria!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Wednesday, Feb 16, 2022