Santa Caterina Villarmosa

Santa Caterina Villarmosa Tourist Guide

The Church of Maria delle Grazie, located on via Roma, is a very important place of devotion. It was built in 1638 and houses, among other things, a precious painting depicting the Madonna of Grace.


The economy of the country is mainly based on agriculture. The main crops are citrus fruits, olives, almonds, and wheat. The country is also known for the production of pecorino cheese, produced by shepherds in neighboring areas.

Santa Caterina Villarmosa: cultural treasures and traditions.

Festivals and Traditions

The main festival of the country is that in honor of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, the patron saint of the country. The festival takes place on November 25th and is organized by the festival committee, which takes care of the preparation of the lights and shows held in the square. Another highly regarded festival is that of the Madonna of Grace, which takes place on July 2nd and includes a procession that passes through the streets of the village.

In addition to religious celebrations, the country hosts numerous cultural and musical events every year, including Holy Week, the Christmas concert, and the Music Festival, an event that includes concerts by local and non-local artists.


The country is famous for giving birth to Joe Petrosino, the famous Italian-American detective, born on August 30, 1860. The house where Petrosino was born, a modest dwelling located on Via Vittorio Emanuele, has recently been renovated and transformed into a museum that preserves memories and objects belonging to the detective.


In summary, Santa Caterina Villarmosa is a village that can boast a long history and a very interesting cultural and artistic heritage. A walk through its streets is enough to discover its hidden beauties and appreciate its tranquility. If you are looking for an authentic place where you can breathe the atmosphere of the most authentic Sicily, Santa Caterina Villarmosa can certainly be a destination to consider.

Martina Moretti
Updated Friday, Jan 27, 2023