
Lupia: a picturesque village in the countryside near Vicenza

Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk to you about Lupia, a small hamlet of Sandrigo, in the province of Vicenza. With its 800 inhabitants, Lupia is a quiet village immersed in the countryside, perfect for those seeking some peace and quiet. The surrounding landscape, divided in half by the Astico river, is characterized by large cultivated fields, ancient villas and churches, courtyards, and a colombaia tower. If you are in the area, I definitely recommend taking a stroll through the streets of Lupia and discovering all its beauties!

The church of Santo Stefano Protomartire

One of the points of interest in Lupia is certainly the church of Santo Stefano Protomartire. This late Gothic-style building is dedicated to Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr. Inside the church, you can admire some works of great value, including a 1500 tabernacle and a statue of Saint Roch.

Discover Lupia, the picturesque village in the countryside near Vicenza.

Villa Garbinati

If you are passionate about architecture and history, you cannot miss Villa Garbinati. This magnificent villa is located in the hamlet of Lupiola and was built in the fifteenth century as a convent. Later, the building was enlarged and transformed into a manor house. Today, at the center of a large park, stand the villa, the noble chapel, and the sixteenth-century barchessa. The villa is only open to the public on special occasions, but you can always admire it from the outside and enjoy its beauty!

Palazzo Mocenigo

Another place I recommend visiting is Palazzo Mocenigo. This building, located in the center of Lupia, was perhaps built on the foundations of a pre-existing fortification and was transformed starting from 1475, at the request of the legal expert Nicolò Dal Toso. Inside the palace, you can admire numerous testimonies of the local peasant tradition, including agricultural tools, clothing, and furniture.

Related entries

If you are interested in the surrounding area, I recommend taking a look at the entry on the municipality of Sandrigo. Furthermore, you can find further information on the area on the website of the municipality of Sandrigo.

And that's all for Lupia! I've talked to you about some of the most interesting places to visit in this village, but of course, there are many others that you can discover. I hope you enjoyed this brief virtual tour and that you feel like visiting Lupia in person!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Sep 12, 2022