San Zenone degli Ezzelini

Discover San Zenone degli Ezzelini

If you're looking for a corner of Veneto to spend your holidays or simply a day trip, San Zenone degli Ezzelini might be the perfect destination for you. This town in the province of Treviso, with approximately 7,285 inhabitants, offers a strategic location from a geographical point of view and a millennia-long history.

Physical geography

San Zenone degli Ezzelini is located in a mostly flat area, but there are some hills, including the Asolani hills. The San Lorenzo hill stands out, reaching a height of 245 meters above sea level. The Coll'Alto and the Castellaro mountains, located nearby, are also over 200 meters high. The town center is located on the side of the hills, while Ca' Rainati, at the southern end, is completely flat.

There are several waterways in the San Zenone degli Ezzelini area, but the most significant is the Giaretta stream, which only touches the town. These unique geographical features make San Zenone an ideal place for outdoor adventures and naturalistic trails surrounded by hills.

San Zenone degli Ezzelini: history, art and nature in the heart of Veneto.



As archaeological evidence shows, San Zenone degli Ezzelini has been inhabited since prehistoric times. The presence of stone tools and artifacts are evidence of settlements from the Iron Age to the Neolithic period.

Roman era

With the arrival of the Romans, the territory began to assume a strategic role. Assigned to the municipium of Asolo, it was centuriated and equipped with important road arteries, such as the Via Postumia and the Via Aurelia. Even today, throughout the town, it is possible to admire finds from that time, such as gravestones and remains of ancient dwellings.

Early Middle Ages

During the early Middle Ages, the San Zenone hill was fortified by the Lombards. It was during this period that a settlement developed with a church, which initially depended on the parish of Sant'Eulalia but had acquired ecclesiastical autonomy by the 10th century.

Late Middle Ages

The history of San Zenone degli Ezzelini is linked to the powerful Ezzelini family. In 1036, Ezzelino I arrived in Italy and was invested with various fiefs distributed at the foot of Monte Grappa, including San Zenone.

Art and culture

San Zenone degli Ezzelini’s artistic and cultural heritage is of great value. The San Zenone parish church is a magnificent example of Romanesque architecture with Byzantine influences. The façade, made of clay, features a portal decorated with arches and four pilasters. Inside, there is an 18th-century marble high altar and a painting by Jacopo da Montagnana depicting the patron saint of the town behind it.

Furthermore, San Zenone has another important place of worship, the church of Sant'Antonio Abate in Liedolo. This building dates back to the 17th century and houses valuable frescoes and Baroque decorations.

What to see in San Zenone degli Ezzelini

San Zenone degli Ezzelini offers many tourist attractions. In the town center, there are the Municipal Library and the Palazzo degli Ezzelini, an example of 18th-century civil architecture.

Near San Zenone is the district of Liedolo, where the Castle of San Salvatore, once the residence of the Ezzelini family, and Villa Gera, which features an English garden and numerous frescoes in its historic chapel, can be found.

Finally, cycling enthusiasts can try the climb up to San Lorenzo, a very suggestive panoramic road that leads to the hill overlooking the town.


In summary, San Zenone degli Ezzelini is a town in the province of Treviso that offers a millennia-long history, a strategic geographical location, and an important artistic and cultural heritage. The attention that the community devotes to enhancing the cultural and natural assets of the area makes it an ideal destination for sustainable tourism.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Jul 16, 2022