San Siro

Welcome to San Siro!

San Siro is a small municipality of 1711 inhabitants located in the beautiful Lombardy region, on the northwest shore of Lake Como. This picturesque village is the result of the union of the municipalities of Sant'Abbondio and Santa Maria Rezzonico, which gave birth to the current municipality starting from January 1, 2003, thanks to a law of the Lombardy Region of November 29, 2002.

A bit of history

The toponym "San Siro" has been in use since the 14th century, when there was the community of San Siro Monte Rezzonico, headquarters of the Rezzonico, the family that gave birth to Pope Clement XIII. San Siro was part of the parish of Menaggio until 1644, when it constituted the Rezzonico team together with the municipalities of Plesio, Sant'Abbondio, Rezzonico, Nobiallo, Pianello del Lario, and Breglia, inserted in the territory of Como until 1791. In 1751, the territory of San Siro included several farms and was not enfeoffed. Over the years, San Siro was united with other municipalities and then divided again, until it became the present autonomous municipality.

Exploring San Siro: history, art and nature in Lombardy.


The coat of arms and the banner of the municipality of San Siro were granted by the decree of the President of the Republic of April 17, 2015. The stars represent the two original nuclei from which the new municipality was born, while the single-span bridge represents Sant'Abbondio, with green referring to the mountains surrounding the village. The red tower represents the fortified structure of the castle of Rezzonico and the tower of Villa La Gaeta, built in Neo-Gothic style and completed in 1921.

Things to see

San Siro offers several religious and civil architectures to visit, as well as some interesting remains of military architectures.

Religious architectures

The Church of Santa Maria (Rezzonico) dates back to the second half of the fifteenth century and is characterized by a Renaissance marble portal from Musso, a work of the Tommaso Rodari school. Inside the church, there are paintings by various artists such as Sigismondo de Magistris, Michelangelo Carminati, Isidoro Bianchi, and Giovanni Pietro Gnocchi. Furthermore, San Siro has several churches and chapels dedicated to saints such as Sant'Abbondio, San Martino, the Saints Rocco and Sebastiano, Santa Lucia, and Santa Croce, just to name a few.

Civil architectures

San Siro also boasts several interesting villas to visit, such as Villa La Gaeta, built in the twenties of the twentieth century according to the design of the Studio Gino Coppedè, and Villa Camilla Zanoletti.

Military architectures

The castle of Rezzonico and the village of Rezzonico are certainly the most famous military buildings in San Siro. Furthermore, the municipality also offers the remains of a fortress of Late Roman times in Santa Maria Rezzonico.

In conclusion, San Siro is an excellent destination for those looking for a vacation immersed in nature, history, and art, with numerous attractions to visit. Come and visit us and discover in person all the wonders that our community has to offer!

Martina Caruso
Updated Monday, Jan 9, 2023