San Secondo Parmense

Welcome to the province of Parma!

Hello everyone! Are you ready to discover the beautiful province of Parma? Today, I will talk to you about the physical geography, natural wonders, and history of this Emilia-Romagna province.

Physical Geography

The province of Parma is divided into three zones: plain, hill, and mountain. The flat area, located in the north, is delimited by the Po River. The main towns in the hill and mountain areas are developed along the main rivers that descend from the Parmesan Apennines and flow into the Po.

The province of Parma: Mountains, rivers, parks and history.


Among the most important watercourses in the province are the Taro River and the Parma, Ceno, Baganza, and Stirone streams. The latter two are tributaries of the Taro. Other significant waterways that partially cross the province are the Enza and Ongina streams and the Arda River.

Mountain peaks

The province of Parma is also famous for its mountains, which exceed 1400 meters in altitude. Among the highest peaks are Monte Sillara, Monte Marmagna, Monte Orsaro, Monte Maggiorasca, Monte Brusà, Monte Penna (Ligurian Apennines), Monte Gottero, Monte Molinatico, and Monte Zuccone. Inside the Parmesan territory, we find Monte Navèrt, Monte Caio, Monte Cervellino, Monte Pelpi, and Monte Polo.


The mountain area of the province has numerous lakes, including Lago Santo parmense, Lago Verde, Lago Ballano, and Lago Pradaccio.


The province of Parma also offers many protected areas, including the regional park of the Cedar and Parma Valleys (also known as the "Park of One Hundred Lakes"), the national park of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, the regional fluvial park of the Taro River, the regional nature reserve of the Carrega Woods, and the regional fluvial park of the Stirone. There are also several natural reserves and wildlife oases.


The province of Parma was established in 1859, in anticipation of the annexation of Emilia to the Kingdom of Sardinia. It was divided into three districts: Parma, Borgo San Donnino, and Valditaro. Since then, the province has undergone many transformations and developments, becoming one of the gems of Emilia-Romagna.

So, my friends, if you are looking for a fantastic tourist destination, you cannot miss visiting the province of Parma! With its mountains, rivers, lakes, and parks, this is the ideal destination for those who love Italian nature and history. I hope my summary has given you a good idea of what to expect during your visit!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Aug 30, 2022