San Sebastiano da Po

San Sebastiano da Po: a Piedmontese municipality

Hi everyone! Today I am talking about San Sebastiano da Po, a municipality in the Piedmont region of Italy, in the province of Turin, with a population of nearly 2,000 inhabitants.

Physical geography

The territory of San Sebastiano da Po is located in the Leona valley, which opens onto the Po Valley. The altitude of the valley floor is less than 200 meters, while the hills on either side of the valley reach around 400 meters. In addition, the municipality also includes a small area on the left bank of the Po river.

San Sebastiano da Po: between history and curiosities.


The first historical evidence of San Sebastiano da Po dates back to 1278, but it is likely that the village existed since the 11th century. Originally, it was a separate area from the adjacent Radicata, but later it was absorbed by the latter. San Sebastiano da Po has been linked to the history of Cocconato, since this locality gave rise to the family of the counts of Radicata. Over the centuries, the village has been under the dominion of several lords, including the Aleramo dynasty, the Paleologi, and the Gonzaga. In 1631, at the end of the War of succession of Mantua and Monferrato, San Sebastiano da Po was made a fiefdom of the duchy of Savoy.

Another important event in the history of San Sebastiano da Po was the wars between France and Spain in the sixteenth century. After the death of the last descendant of the Paleologi dynasty, the Marquisate of Monferrato passed under the control of Emperor Charles V and was then granted as a fiefdom to Duke of Mantua Federico II. In 1536, French troops invaded much of Piedmont and Monferrato, and San Sebastiano was one of the occupied villages. Subsequently, the municipality had to pay homage to the king of France as a sign of loyalty.


An interesting curiosity about San Sebastiano da Po concerns the port on the Po river that was used by both San Sebastiano and Radicata. In a document of 1278, it is stated that the citizens of Chivasso, at the time the capital of Monferrato, enjoyed the privilege of exemption from tolls on the ferry. This means that the people of Chivasso could cross the Po without paying the toll for passage on the ferry.


In conclusion, San Sebastiano da Po is a municipality with historical and cultural charm. Its geographical location in the Leona valley, which opens onto the Po Valley, makes it a picturesque and charming place. Its history has been marked by important events such as the wars between France and Spain in the sixteenth century, but also by curiosities such as the privilege of exemption from tolls granted to the citizens of Chivasso. If you have the opportunity to visit Piedmont, don't miss San Sebastiano da Po, a gem to discover!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Wednesday, Sep 7, 2022