San Quirino

The Province of Pordenone

Welcome to this short guide about the Province of Pordenone, a territory that from 1968 to 2017 was one of the four provinces in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region.

Physical Geography

The province is located between the central province of Udine on the east and Veneto on the west, bordering the Carnia to the north and northeast and the province of Udine to the east. Its territory includes part of the Carnic Pre-Alps with the Friulian Dolomites in the north, a hilly area, and part of the Friulian plain. Despite its location, the Province of Pordenone has no access to the Adriatic Sea like the other provinces in the region.

The Province of Pordenone has numerous mountain valleys and rivers, including the Tagliamento, Livenza, Cellina, Meduna, and Noncello. If you are a nature lover, do not miss the Torbiera di Sequals or the Sulfur Springs of Anduins, while caving enthusiasts can explore the Green Caves of Pradis or the Campone Caves. If you love the mountains, do not miss a visit to the Natural Park of the Friulian Dolomites.

Discover the Province of Pordenone: nature, history and culture.


The Pordenone territory has a history closely linked to the Romans and the patriarchs of Aquileia. In 1964, with Law No. 281, the Pordenone district was established within the province of Udine. The Pordenone district was then elevated to province status in 1968, with the capital in Pordenone.

Did you know that the license plate originally planned for the province was supposed to be PO? However, the secretary of the Prato city council went to Pordenone to ask for a change in the abbreviation since otherwise they could not use the name of the capital for the license plate. Thus, the province's abbreviation became PN, acronym of "Portus Naonis," the ancient Latin name of the city.


Despite its dissolution as a local entity in 2017, the Province of Pordenone is still a subdivision of the state administrations in the region and is classified as a "non-administrative supramunicipal territorial unit" by the National Institute of Statistics. We invite you to visit this beautiful territory and discover all its hidden beauties.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Saturday, Jul 16, 2022