San Possidonio

The history of San Possidonio

San Possidonio is a small town of about 3500 inhabitants located in the province of Modena, Emilia-Romagna, in northern Italy. Although the origins of this city are still unknown, it is believed to have been a communication station between the north and south of Italy during the Roman era. However, the city had little historical significance until the Middle Ages, when it became part of the Lombard kingdom as part of the district of Reggio Emilia. It was only during this period that the bishop of Reggio Emilia obtained the relics of Possidonio and the city was named San Possidonio in his honor.

After the Tuscan Marquises' dominion around the year 1000, the city became Pico's territory until 1710 when it passed under the lordship of the Estensi. In 1789, Giuseppe Andreoli was born, a Carbonari patriot priest sentenced to death by Duke Francesco IV of Modena and executed in Rubiera in 1822. The monument erected in the square bearing his name in honor of the martyred priest depicts Andreoli alongside Italy and a soldier.

During World War II, San Possidonio was a center of intense Italian Resistance. In the post-war period, retaliations were carried out against the supporters of the fascist regime, such as the "ghost bus massacre," in which a group of militants and civilians of the Italian Social Republic traveling on a truck bearing Vatican insignia were stopped, and the passengers were killed.

Manufacturing and Banking

During the dominance of the Tacoli Marquises of San Possidonio and the Estensi Dukes, a factory for the manufacture of silverware and a pottery and tableware company were founded. In the early twentieth century, the Bank of San Possidonio was founded, a credit institution active at that time.

History of San Possidonio: between the Middle Ages, resistance, and earthquake.

The Emilia earthquake of May 2012

San Possidonio was severely affected by the Emilia earthquake of May 2012. The earthquake caused damage to the city's most important monuments, including the church and bell tower, which collapsed during the magnitude 5.3 tremor. In the hours following, the regions of Tuscany and Lazio set up two tent cities to provide shelter for the victims of the city.

San Possidonio is a small town with a big history. Despite its numerous natural disasters, the inhabitants of San Possidonio have continued to maintain their city and make constant improvements. It is facts like these that make San Possidonio such a fascinating city.

Martina Caruso
Updated Wednesday, Jan 12, 2022