San Polo Matese

Welcome to San Polo Matese!

Hello everyone! Today we're talking about San Polo Matese, a small town in Molise that is definitely worth a visit. With just over 1,200 inhabitants, San Polo Matese is located in the province of Campobasso and sits at an elevation of about 750 meters, halfway between the Matese massif and the upper course of the Biferno river.

Physical Geography

The municipality of San Polo Matese is at high risk of earthquakes. Despite this, the surrounding landscape is truly fascinating: the Matese mountains are a real spectacle of nature! If you love outdoor activities, these mountains are perfect for hiking, cycling or horse riding.

San Polo Matese: the small municipality in Molise between nature and history.


Although it is not certain exactly how the town was founded, there were settlements dating back to the Samnite period. During the Middle Ages, San Polo Matese was part of the county of Bojano and ownership passed from hand to hand until it ended up in the hands of the Pandone family, a wealthy noble family from Molise. In 1805 an earthquake destroyed the town, which was then rebuilt using the walls of the abandoned castle.


The coat of arms and the flag of the Municipality of San Polo Matese were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on July 29, 1993. The flag is a blue cloth.

Monuments and places of interest

Speaking of monuments and places of interest, there is really a lot to see in San Polo Matese. Among the most famous attractions is the Longobard Tower, circular in shape and built in the 10th century along with the castle. On top of the tower, the tiles give it a picturesque and charming appearance. There are also two churches worth a visit: the Church of Sant'Antonio, rebuilt around 1512, and the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, with the bell tower rebuilt from the medieval tower of the castle.

Rogati Palace

Palace belonging to the noble family of Rogati. Inside there is a beautiful Nativity scene made in 1961 by the plaster master Juan Marì Oliva, and a collection of archaeological and fossil finds from the Municipality of San Polo Matese. Among the most interesting finds is a Bos taurus primigenius's skull found in the plain of San Polo Matese and the only known specimen of "Rudista Distefanella" found by the architect Di Stefano in the construction yards of the provincial road that runs at the foot of the town.


The birth rate in San Polo Matese is currently low, but there are many families who decide to move here to enjoy the peace and tranquility of this small town.

Demographic evolution

Over the years, the population of San Polo Matese has gradually decreased. In 1951, the town had around 2,500 inhabitants, while today the population is just over 1,200.

Infrastructure and transport

The town center is located near the SS 17 of the Abruzzo and Apulian-Sannitic Apennines and an ancient transhumance road, the Pescasseroli-Candela trail. Despite this, walking around the town is definitely the best option, so you can fully enjoy the atmosphere of the historic center.


San Polo Matese is a small administrative reality. Below is a table of the administrations that have succeeded in this municipality.

We hope you enjoyed this little virtual trip to San Polo Matese and that you can come and visit us soon! Here you can find the peace and tranquility you are looking for, far from the stress and frenzy of big cities. Come and discover the beauty of this splendid town!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Sunday, Apr 24, 2022