San Polo dei Cavalieri

Discovering San Polo dei Cavalieri

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about San Polo dei Cavalieri, a small town in the metropolitan city of Rome, in Lazio. Its population is only 2781 inhabitants, but its territory is truly splendid. Let's discover together its geographical, climatic and historical characteristics.

Physical geography

San Polo dei Cavalieri is located at 651 meters above sea level, on the southern slopes of the Lucretili Mountains. Its position offers a breathtaking view of the Aniene Valley and the city of Rome. The municipal territory is characterized by the presence of the peak of Mount Guardia, 1,185 meters high. It is not difficult to imagine how suggestive the view from the top of the mountain is.

San Polo dei Cavalieri: history, geography, and climate of the Lazio gem.


Based on the territory's climate classification, San Polo dei Cavalieri falls into zone E, with a GR/G equal to 2484. This climate is characterized by cold, but dry and arid winters, while summers are hot and rather stuffy.


San Polo dei Cavalieri has an interesting and fascinating history. Its original name, "Castrum Santi Pauli", dates back to the eleventh century when it was founded by the Monks of San Polo who were its feudal lords until the fourteenth century. Later, San Polo passed to the Orsini, who made significant improvements to the walls. In 1479, Napoleon Orsini granted the village its statute and made it autonomous.

The village then passed to the Cesi, a noble family that elected it as the seat of the National Academy of Lincei. In the following period, San Polo was hit by a terrible plague epidemic that decimated the population, reducing the number of inhabitants to 377.

Thus, the Trusiani, with the task of repopulating the center, brought new vitality to the village, which began to grow again. The name changed from San Polo to San Polo dei Cavalieri following the passage of a medieval cavalry.

In 1849, during Garibaldi's escape with Anita Garibaldi and many volunteers from Rome after the fall of the Roman Republic, San Polo dei Cavalieri was an important stop. Garibaldi, to divert the attention of the armies that were chasing him, pretended to go to Arsoli but actually passed through San Polo, then through Palombara Sabina, Mentana and Monterotondo, heading through the Rieti area towards Romagna.

San Polo dei Cavalieri was also the scene of Garibaldian movements in 1867, during the campaign for the liberation of Rome. In 1871, with the installation of the first mayor, Valeriano Paoloni, the population began to grow, but the amount of water available was not sufficient for the needs of the village.

To solve the problem, a new aqueduct was built, the "Riu vecchio in Piazza della Vittoria". In 1900, the fraction of Marcellina suffered from water shortages, and it was necessary to build an additional aqueduct, purchasing two sources from Roccagiovine from the Marquis Gallo for 5000 Italian lire. However, the disputes that arose between Marcellina and San Polo dei Cavalieri became increasingly bitter, leading to the separation of the two towns in 1909.

In conclusion, San Polo dei Cavalieri is a small town with a great history. Its elevated position allows for a breathtaking view of the Aniene Valley and the city of Rome, making it a magical and fascinating place to visit.

Martina Moretti
Updated Wednesday, Sep 14, 2022