San Pietro al Natisone

Welcome to San Pietro al Natisone: a municipality with a unique landscape

San Pietro al Natisone, also known as ''Špiètar'' in Slovenian dialect and ''San Pieri dai Sclavons'' in Friulian language, is a municipality in Friuli-Venezia Giulia with a beautiful landscape thanks to its hills. With over 2000 inhabitants, it is located 23 kilometers from the provincial capital of Udine. In this summary, I will take you on a journey through its landscapes and geography.

A privileged geographic location

San Pietro al Natisone covers an area of ​​23.98 square kilometers and is located between the hills of eastern Friuli, on the banks of the Natisone River. It is located at an altitude ranging from 140 meters in the valley to 866 meters at the top of Mount San Giorgio. The 54th state road of Friuli crosses the municipality, which is an important communication route between Italy and Slovenia. San Pietro al Natisone borders Pulfero to the north, Savogna and San Leonardo to the east, Cividale del Friuli and Torreano to the west, and Prepotto to the south.

San Pietro al Natisone: Natural treasures of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

A varied territory

The municipal territory of San Pietro al Natisone includes the lower portion of the Alberone valley and the western foothills of Mount Matajur. The municipality extends along the lower stretch of the Natisone River, which marks the border with Pulfero for a stretch, and its tributaries such as Alberone, Cosizza, Mamula and Klačinca. The territory is characterized by the presence of caves and karst cavities. The regional cadastre of caves in Friuli Venezia Giulia indicates the presence of 97 caves and wells.

Naturalistic paths

In the northern part of the municipality, you can start the trail n°749 "Naturalistic path of Mount Roba" which leads, after joining the "Sentiero Italia" n°725, to the top of Mount Matajur. This mountain is one of the most beautiful places to visit around San Pietro al Natisone, as it offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the Julian Alps and the Gulf of Quarnaro.

Exceptional karst cavities

San Pietro al Natisone is rich in karst caves and cavities that can be visited. The most important caves are near Altovizza, where you can find the Cerconizza pit, which is 23 meters deep. You can also visit two caves near Clenia: the Čiastita Jama and the Jama pod Ronk, two exits of the same cavity with a walkable path of 175 meters. The most famous cave in San Pietro al Natisone is the Biarzo shelter, near Biarzo, where fragments of ceramics, tools, and stone weapons and bone harpoons dating back to the Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic periods were found.


In conclusion, San Pietro al Natisone is a municipality with a unique landscape, located between the hills of eastern Friuli on the banks of the Natisone River. Thanks to its privileged location, it is possible to practice naturalistic activities such as hiking and cave visits. The varied territory of the municipality, characterized by the presence of caves and karst cavities, offers many opportunities for archaeology and geology enthusiasts. If you are planning a visit to the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, don't forget to include San Pietro al Natisone in your list of destinations.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Sunday, May 8, 2022