San Piero Patti

San Piero Patti: a town with unique shapes

San Piero Patti is a municipality of about 2500 inhabitants located in the province of Messina, in Sicily. The town is characterized by the ivy leaf shape that distinguishes it from other towns in the area. The city is surrounded by natural borders, including the Nebrodi mountain range.

The physical geography of San Piero Patti

The territory of San Piero Patti is located in the heart of the Nebrodi mountain range and borders with other neighboring municipalities such as Montalbano Elicona, Raccuja, Sant'Angelo di Brolo, Librizzi, Patti and Floresta. The highest point of the territory reaches 1267 m in height, while the lowest is located in the locality of Casale-Divisa and is 253 m high. In the highest areas of the territory, particularly in the contrada of Taffuri, you can still admire the cubburi, typical rural buildings used in the past for field cultivation.

San Piero Patti is crossed by the Timeto river, which originates in the Fontana del Re locality and extends for about 50 km before flowing into the Tyrrhenian Sea. The river is particularly rich in tributaries, which cross the territories of San Piero, Librizzi and Patti.

San Piero Patti: a town of unique shapes and ancient culture.

The history of San Piero Patti

San Piero Patti has an ancient history dating back to the Greek period, when the town was still called Petra. Over the years, the city underwent several Arab and Roman conquests, events that left indelible traces in local culture and traditions.

After the advent of Christianity, the town changed its name to Sanctipetri supra Pactas (St. Peter above Patti) and underwent several conquests by the Normans and the Aragonese. During the period of Spanish domination, San Piero Patti was characterized by a period of great artistic and cultural development, which still reflects today in the numerous palaces, churches and monuments scattered throughout the city.

The contrade and festivals of San Piero Patti

The territory of San Piero Patti is divided into several contrade, some of which are older and more characteristic than others. Among the most famous contrade, we recall Taffuri, Serra, Abatino and Muro.

Among the most important festivals, those worthy of mention are the feast of San Pietro, celebrated on June 29th and the feast of San Nicolò, celebrated on the second weekend of September. During the festivities, the city comes alive with music, dances, and parades in traditional costumes, creating a unique and engaging atmosphere for residents and tourists.

The daily life of San Piero Patti

San Piero Patti is a quiet and relaxing town, where life flows at a peaceful and serene pace. The local community is very welcoming and friendly, and is characterized by a passion and love for their city.

The town has numerous commercial activities, including grocery stores, bars, restaurants, and pizzerias, as well as a wide choice of sports and cultural activities. Among the most popular activities are soccer, volleyball, basketball and dance.


San Piero Patti is a municipality in the province of Messina that has a unique shape that distinguishes it from other towns in the area. The territory is characterized by an imposing mountain range and the Timeto river, which crosses the city creating breathtaking landscapes. The city boasts an ancient history and a rich culture of traditions and festivals, which make San Piero Patti a unique and fascinating place.

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Friday, Oct 21, 2022