
Scarpizzolo: a small hamlet in San Paolo

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about Scarpizzolo, a small hamlet in the Municipality of San Paolo, in the province of Brescia. The area is located northeast of the main inhabited area and was an autonomous municipality until November 17, 1927, when it was incorporated into the municipality of Pedergnaga, generating the current municipal entity.

History of Scarpizzolo

Scarpizzolo: the history of a town in the Brescia region.

The history of Scarpizzolo is very interesting. History lovers, get ready! Belonging to the fief of the Martinengo family after the year 1000, in the fourteenth century the canon Ottonello Martinengo donated some landed property near Scarpizzolo to the collegiate church of Saints Nazaro and Celso in Brescia. In 1410 the parish was established, separated from the parish church of Oriano (San Paolo). During the fifteenth century, the Brescian territory passed to the Republic of Venice and Scarpizzolo was maintained within the quinzanese square. In the sixteenth century, the castle passed into the dowry of the Martinengo Colleoni and, according to the Brescian Catastico by Giovanni Da Lezze (1610), was then replaced by a large palace with walls surrounded by a moat. After the French occupation of the Brescian territory (1796), with the subsequent establishment of the Brescian Republic (1797), Scarpizzolo initially became part of the "cantone delle Pianure". In May of the following year, it was included in the "distretto dello Strone" of the department of Mella and then, in October, was assigned to the district of Pianure. After the occupation of the Lombardo-Veneto Kingdom (1815), Scarpizzolo regained its municipal autonomy and was assigned to the "distretto XII" (from 1853, XIV) "di Orzinuovi", belonging to the Province of Brescia (Lombardo-Veneto). After the second Italian war of independence, Scarpizzolo became part of the Kingdom of Sardinia (1720-1861) (from 1861 Kingdom of Italy) and was inserted within Mandamento III of Orzinuovi", belonging to the Chiari district of the new province of Brescia.


I hope you enjoyed this brief but interesting history of Scarpizzolo. Regardless of the past, today the area is very beautiful and characteristic, perfect for a quiet walk away from the chaos of the city. If you are in the area, I definitely recommend you to visit it. See you next time!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Monday, Oct 10, 2022