San Paolo Solbrito

San Paolo Solbrito: a Piedmontese municipality to discover

San Paolo Solbrito is a Piedmontese municipality of 1209 inhabitants located in the province of Asti. The territory of the municipality is varied: part of it is in the plain and part on gentle slopes at the edges of the Poirino plateau.

The history of the municipality is characterized by the merger of two municipalities, San Paolo della Valle and Solbrito, which took place by royal decree in 1928. There are many places of historical interest, such as the Palazzo dei Conti Gay di Montariolo, surrounded by an English-style park, and the Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul, a beautiful example of late baroque architecture.

But the history of San Paolo Solbrito begins much earlier than the merger of the two municipalities.

The history of the Municipality

The first traces of human presence in this territory date back to about 10000-15000 years ago. However, the first that we have certain historical records of were the Ligurians, a rude and bellicose people organized in tribes.

Later, with the arrival of the Romans, the territory became an important commercial center and was heavily influenced by Latin culture.

Many archaeological finds have been found in the territory of San Paolo Solbrito. In addition to fossil shells from the geological period of the "Villafranchian", the remains of a mastodon, prehistoric animals similar to elephants but with much larger teeth, have also been found.

Discover the history and treasures of San Paolo Solbrito, the Piedmontese municipality not to be missed.

The presence of the sea in the territory of San Paolo Solbrito

The territory of San Paolo Solbrito was affected by the presence of the sea about four million years ago. At that time, the "Padano Pliocene Gulf" was populated by different species of mollusks, crustaceans, fish and large cetaceans.

Following the tectonic thrust caused by the collision between the African Plate and the European Plate, the sea withdrew, leaving marshy lands ideal for the presence of large mammals, reptiles and birds.

Places of interest in San Paolo Solbrito

San Paolo Solbrito has several places of historical and cultural interest. The Palazzo dei Conti Gay di Montariolo, built in the 18th century, is a place not to be missed. Surrounded by a large English-style park, the palace is an example of aristocratic architecture of the 18th century.

The Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul, built between the 17th and 18th centuries, is one of the most important places of worship in the municipality. The interior of the church is richly frescoed and houses numerous paintings from the 17th century.

In the territory of San Paolo Solbrito, it is also possible to admire several examples of peasant architecture, such as farms and rural houses.


San Paolo Solbrito is a small Piedmontese municipality to discover, rich in history and places of interest. The merger of the two municipalities, San Paolo della Valle and Solbrito, which took place in 1928, contributed to creating a varied and interesting territory, ideal for those who love to discover the culture and history of a place through its monuments and traditions.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Friday, Jun 3, 2022